What will happen to modern journalism after the inevitable collapse of Twitter? Where will journalists get all their (carefully pre-packaged) updates from governments, companies and celebrities, all in the same place?
Taking 4000 people off the payroll to offset the executive’s golden parachutes. Then rehire 2000 back at half the going rate and twice the workload. That’s business in America!
Elon’s decision aside, it kind of baffles me that Twitter had 7500 employees for what’s a relatively straightforward product that hasn’t evolved much in the 15 years it’s been in existence. I know content moderation takes a lot of headcount, but what other areas of the company take up so much headcount??
EDIT: a few people mentioned scaling up requires a lot of employees. Instagram had 8 employees when it was purchased in 2012, a product on par with Twitter and not many less users.
Everyone is giving Musk way to much credit for why he bought Twitter.
He has fallen into the habit of making outlandish public statements. He made one about buying Twitter based on ego and a belief that rules don’t apply to him.
His lawyers then told him that there was no way he could back out, and he was forced to spend over the top amount for a platform that he doesn’t really know how to run, at the expense of the other work he should be paying attention to.
All of this is a cock up, and shareholders in Tesla and SpaceX will pay the price, along with employees.
What will happen to modern journalism after the inevitable collapse of Twitter? Where will journalists get all their (carefully pre-packaged) updates from governments, companies and celebrities, all in the same place?
Why is a picture of DSP in the opening graphic!??! The man has never worked a day in his life.
Loved that they included the drone audio in the shot at 1:30.
This sure is a lot of money just to read Amber’s private messages.
Why is there a picture of DarksydePhil up there?
Taking 4000 people off the payroll to offset the executive’s golden parachutes. Then rehire 2000 back at half the going rate and twice the workload. That’s business in America!
Elon’s decision aside, it kind of baffles me that Twitter had 7500 employees for what’s a relatively straightforward product that hasn’t evolved much in the 15 years it’s been in existence. I know content moderation takes a lot of headcount, but what other areas of the company take up so much headcount??
EDIT: a few people mentioned scaling up requires a lot of employees. Instagram had 8 employees when it was purchased in 2012, a product on par with Twitter and not many less users.
They all have twitter on their resumes. They’ll be fine.
TIL over 4,000 people work(ed) for Twitter.
I don’t get the hurry. Like how do you know which employees to cut so soon after taking over?
Saw that coming.
Lol I rarely watch news anymore, it was so weird the entire tone of this video. The music and visuals. It’s a fucking cartoon.
Well it’s inside edition, maybe its not really news.
Everyone is giving Musk way to much credit for why he bought Twitter.
He has fallen into the habit of making outlandish public statements. He made one about buying Twitter based on ego and a belief that rules don’t apply to him.
His lawyers then told him that there was no way he could back out, and he was forced to spend over the top amount for a platform that he doesn’t really know how to run, at the expense of the other work he should be paying attention to.
All of this is a cock up, and shareholders in Tesla and SpaceX will pay the price, along with employees.
Job creator…. for lawyers
Elon-Baptiste Emuskuel Zorg: “Fire one million.”
i didnt know that the US media are so idiotic.. “nuclear” “bloodbath” etc. feels like i just watched a bad action movie instead of news.
“billionaires create jobs”
Those little shits get fat fucking severance
Maybe they can learn how to weld