Friday, February 21All That Matters

elderscroll 6 using the same egine won’t be a problem


  • EDS6 is probally gonna use “Creation 2” which is still technically the same engine, but its been significantly overhauled. We’ll get to see 30min of this new engine on Sunday during the half an hour overview of Starfield.

  • People should fucking shut up about “sAmE eNGinE!” By that logic UE5 is still the same Engine as UE1.

    Just look at modding Morrowind or FO3 compared to modded Skyrim SE. Its not even close because the Engine-Version in the old Games limit Modders way more.

    BGS just doesn’t rename their Engine every time they update it slightly.

  • Imagine spending millions of dollars and thousands of man hours building and refining a game engine that has been used to make some of the most popular games in history, but because in one of the games you walk faster when looking down that = crappy engine.

  • I love hearing laymen bitch about game engines as if they have any idea what they’re talking about.

    It’s not the same engine. Starfield and onward are using a heavily overhauled version of the engine. And I think you’d be surprised how many modern game engines are just heavily modified versions of old engines. Titanfall runs on a heavily overhauled Source engine. And Source itself is a heavily modified version of a previous engine. Hell, Valve is launching a glorified remaster of CS:GO on Source 2, a heavily modified version of Source.

  • Yet it is probably the most robust engine on the market with almost infinite modability. It’s buggy and held together with hopes and dreams. But it is absolutely impressive what’s been done with it over the years. Especially by amateur developers.

  • If Bethesda made a new engine it would probably have the same level of wonkiness, if not more so because it has not been refined over multiple games.

    You can’t take the Bethesda out of the Bethesda engine basically.

  • It’s not the same engine though… Saying it’s the same engine is like saying Unreal 3, is the same as Unreal 5… This is the first time they’ve completely overhauled their engine from the ground up for Starfield, and future games.

  • Morrowind, Oblivion, Fallout 3 and Fallout: New Vegas used the Gamebryo engine, whereas Skyrim, Fallout 4, and Fallout 76 used the Creation Engine, an engine Bethesda built by “forking the codebase” of the Gamebryo engine. Starfield and Elder Scrolls 6 will be the first games from Bethesda using Creation Engine 2, the successor to the original Creation Engine. After their acquisition by Microsoft, [Todd Howard said](

    >”it’s led to our largest engine overhaul since Oblivion, with all new technologies powering our first new IP in 25 years, Starfield, as well as The Elder Scrolls 6.”

    Very little is known about Creation Engine 2 at the moment, but I suspect as Starfield gets closer to launch, we’ll have more information on the new engine.

  • Lmao no, this is not like saying UE3 and UE5 are the same engine. At its core, the creation engine is largely still the same engine since its inception. It’s been “improved” and “overhauled” and yet many of the same critical bugs in OLD games like memory leaks and save bloat that have been around since FALLOUT 3 are still existent in the re-re-releases of Skyrim that only came out a few years ago…

    People wanting Bethesda to stick with this shitty engine have nostalgia goggles and Stockholm syndrome. It has ALWAYS sucked when the game randomly hard crashes because you’re playing too long, it has ALWAYS sucked when a save file gets rendered useless because it gets either stuck in an infinite loading screen or you’re in a perpetual crashing loop due to save files becoming too bloated.

    They have made enough hundreds of millions of dollars from their various franchises’ sales. They can build a new engine from scratch.

  • Want an Ebony Bow as early as Level 1?

    Get as many arrows and as strong of a bow you can find as you make your way from Helgen. Then head on over to Lost Valkygg (in the Labrinthian complex). This is a draugr dungeon, and the second-to-last Draugr you encounter will have an Ebony Bow and a quiver of Ebony arrows. Watch that last step…

    Pickpocket your new Ebony arrows into Guard inventories when they are at their archery range. They will equip and fire Ebony arrows, infinitely. Simply collect.

  • Honestly bugs/unintended mechanics like diagonal walking being faster or bunny hopping or ramp boosting and stuff make games more fun imo.

  • Its actually a non issue.. Bethesda releases great games outside of FO76 and even that became acceptable.

    No engine is perfect but lets be real their engine is setup for what they make switching to something else is a ridiculous amount of labor for what likely would be a worse product.

  • Morrowind might’ve been the most user unfriendly game I ever played. First quest. Run a town over and look through this unmarked city for one individual.

    Maybe I was 13 and dumb but sheesh

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