Tuesday, March 18All That Matters

Ecclesiastes and deriving meaning from nothing. I felt this video encapsulated my thoughts well.


Ecclesiastes and deriving meaning from nothing. I felt this video encapsulated my thoughts well.


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  • Meaning can only be found in the pursuit of a valued goal or lifting a heavy burden. The problem is this opens up people to the possibility of failure (by their own definition).

    So instead we choose to keep our goals ill-defined and instead pursue short-term hedonism, wrapping ourselves in a fog of nihilism.

    The problem is you are still failing, you just don’t know (you haven’t defined your path), and you continue to fail stupidly and blindly.

    Then people proclaim as they always have, “life is meaningless”. Is that the truth? Or just a convenient excuse not to go after the adventure of your life?

    It doesn’t matter anyways because even if you choose the fog, life is not neutral. You are still left with the meaning of suffering and pain, which is undeniable and ultimately unavoidable. You just don’t have any positive meaning to offset the terrible nature of existence.

    Why not instead pick up your burden, face the inevitably of death forthrightly, and maybe in the process discover what it is you most want and need?

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