Earlier this year I chaperoned for my daughter’s (13) school dance. Yesterday my wife found this checklist in one of the many random notebooks laying around our house…
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Earlier this year I chaperoned for my daughter’s (13) school dance. Yesterday my wife found this checklist in one of the many random notebooks laying around our house…
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Well, was she successful?
Keep it and show it to her when she’s older and you matter most to her. She’ll appreciate even more what you did for her.
Leave a note made of newspaper and magazine clippings below it that says “THERE IS NO ESCAPE – DAD”
She didn’t eskape
Ope, embarrassing dad award goes to you.😬
this looks like something she took directly from a kids movie or something, they’re always making lists in those things
She didn’t check the box. Must mean she didn’t want to escape you after all.
i can’t wait to have kids and get played by them too. Sounds funny
She had no other tasks on the list. Not even “dance” at the dance.
Must have been a whole evening’s work.
for the life of me, I’ll never understand these parents- last thing mine would have wanted to do was impose on my social life like that- I mean the parents MUST know how lame they are being to their kid right?
My dad was my “date” to all my school dances. He was forced into it by my mom. He would take me and then hang out somewhere else. Typically our school dances were held in the commons area, so he would go to the gym and play basketball or set outside somewhere talking to other parents.
Well, you should be happy that was all she had on her list. When I was 12, my parents found my New Year’s Resolutions list and we’re not thrilled that I wanted to “touch a girl’s vageener.” FYI, I didn’t achieve my vageener touching goal until many years later.
I didn’t read your title first, I was very concerned.
I love that it isn’t checked off
“Laying around” yeah right, we know your wife be snoopin.
I’m more concerned with your daughters penmanship.
What do the non-random notebooks lying around look like?
Can I get a link to this style notebook? Very helpful.
Also your kid looks like a good egg. Be proud.
As the father of two girls, if that’s all that’s on her list you’ve done well
mmm cap
I would like to think she made that checklist just to mess with you. If so, she has a good sense of humor and you’re doing something right.
At first glance I read escape pod… and my singing cell brain instantly went to the escape pod Artoo and Threepio used to escape to Tattooine
That doesn’t look like it was written by a 13 year old girl.
Step two: find classmate who looks like Patrick Swayze.
Step three: reenact dance scene from Dirty Dancing
13? That writing looks like it belongs to someone 5 or 6.
damn ur so old and still dont know lying vs laying. I’d escape u too