Earl Weaver has it out with umpire Bill Haller. Baseball fan or not, this is gold.
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Earl Weaver has it out with umpire Bill Haller. Baseball fan or not, this is gold.
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Earl was wrong.
I half expected the ump to cover his mic for a moment, lean close, and say, “beers at McGinty’s later?” and Earl quietly saying, “yeah, the usual”, then then resuming the caterwauling without missing a beat.
But the ump did touch ole Earl though. Pointy stab stab.
Lol why the fuck did rick armstrong feel the need to get a few seconds of footage of real-life gru at the end
What was going on with the posture of the umps in this era?
“What will you be in the Hall of Fame for? Fucking up world series?”
When baseball still had some personality.