I am gonna get shit on for saying this but while the music is good, I still prefer the SciFi miniseries music. Children of Dune is by far the best of all the Dune soundtracks.
The technical proficiency, not to mention the artistic insight, it takes to perfectly blend important spoken dialogue into inaudible white noise and bombastic music is truly inspirational.
I never realized how improved a movie could be when the character dialogue sounds as if it has either been filtered through a chunk of cheese cloth or is being whispered in the middle of a symphony orchestra.
How did they get that magical unintelligible whispered dialogue?
I am gonna get shit on for saying this but while the music is good, I still prefer the SciFi miniseries music. Children of Dune is by far the best of all the Dune soundtracks.
The technical proficiency, not to mention the artistic insight, it takes to perfectly blend important spoken dialogue into inaudible white noise and bombastic music is truly inspirational.
I never realized how improved a movie could be when the character dialogue sounds as if it has either been filtered through a chunk of cheese cloth or is being whispered in the middle of a symphony orchestra.
Truly masterful, Denis. Truly masterful.