It’s honestly a crying shame the base hardware struggles to run even a simple GBA emulator… It goes without saying this thing’s biggest flaw was trying to compete with mainline consoles while only having mobile games, but had it been reworked into a sort of raspberry pie mini console with built-in dev kit, it probably would have been better received if at the cost of its funding (let’s be honest, nobody’s funding raspberry pi consoles on Kickstarter)
Back to my idea though, imagine swapping out the top button for a mini GameCube logo jewel and slapping on a miniaturized version of that iconic lunch box handle they had on the back!
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I use this one!
what do you mean by make rapberry pi board?
you can just buy one on their page
I would check the dimensions before, if you’ll be able to fit it in ouya
not sure if it’s worth it though, maybe you can buy something like rg-35xx instead
it has arm9, hdmi out and usb-c which can be used to connect controller
(but you probably won’t be able to use charger and controller at the same time)
I still have mine too. Apparently there’s some fan project to make it work again, it’s super easy too. Just dropping a file on a folder on the thing… haven’t tried it myself but read a bit about it.
Was it better than XBOX controller?
Television gaming
I took a Raspberry Pi and did the whole emulation thing, now I wanna 3D print the Okama Game sphere from an early south park episode to put it in.
still can’t believe how many people fell for this.
i get the hope though, even if it was dumb.