Dude tests his Cattle Prod on himself before using it on Cattle
View Reddit by Emergency_Muffin_4va – View Source
Dude tests his Cattle Prod on himself before using it on Cattle
View Reddit by Emergency_Muffin_4va – View Source
People are stupid. Some guy decided to test his taser on himself without realizing it would fully discharge because he could not let it go.
Can’t believe I spent 110 seconds on this video.
Holy fucking buildup, just to be sucker punched right in the nutsack for the shitty shocking we had to witness . What a pussy
There goes 2 minutes of my life I’ll never get back 🤬
People need to start using the time slider more. Video is still a waste of 3 seconds though.
Well, it was funny, this wasn’t posted in a faces of death reddit,
Great idea, using a thing that is used for a half a ton of an animal at yourself who has max 200 pounds.
Downvote downvote downvote
Skip to 1:45 of 1:50 for the disappointment.
That video could have been 105 sec shorter
Dog was the only sensible one trying to stop this.