Tuesday, March 25All That Matters

DRAGON BALL: Sparking! ZERO (aka Budokai Tenkaichi 4) Announcement Trailer


Destroyable areas, “historic” roster of characters from all sagas (OG-Daima) and classic yet improved gameplay from the OG game. The game of my childhood is here


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  • DBS is a complete abomination. Aside from the atrocious art style where everyone looks like a twig for some reason, they completely ruined any sort of story building and watered down everything at a pace unlike ever before.

    Super Saiyan God, red hair ok cool, oh no wait a minute here’s Goku super saiyan BLUE which completely makes God obsolete.

    BUT WAIT THERE’S MORE: Now we go back to Goku regular hair and turn it to white and calling him ultra instinct which makes Blue obsolete.

    Ugh, nothing has any meaning whatsoever. Then you get to the atrocious character design.

    They got so fucking lazy with Freeza, oh let’s just paint his 4th stage in different colours! Wow original!

    Jiren? My God what a lazy character design he looks like a random background character absolutely nothing interesting at all about himself or the design.

    Toriyama disgraced himself I’d rather have no DragonBall at all than whatever DBS is or trying to be.

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