Monday, February 24All That Matters

Dr. Mabuse, the Gambler 1922


  • I’d say most cinematic villains to follow almost pale in comparison when you consider that here you have this charismatic evil character who is a criminal mastermind, a doctor of psychology and master of disguise – you have to watch the film a second time just to pick up on how many various characters are Mabuse in disguise – and Carl Hoffmann’s fantastic cinematography paired with Lang’s intense direction resulted in a gripping film with epic scope.

  • Such a great movie. It might even be my favorite by Fritz Lang, although the competition is steep with *Metropolis* of course. I remember thinking, when I first saw it, that Lang made the kind of movies for his era that Christopher Nolan *wants* to make for ours. Whether Nolan’s ever pulled it off is debatable—*The Prestige* probably comes closest.

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