Dorothea Lange photograph of agricultural laborers cars at a migrant camp, near Sacramento, California, 1936
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Dorothea Lange photograph of agricultural laborers cars at a migrant camp, near Sacramento, California, 1936
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The kid in the background is rocking a cool pair of sunglasses.
Sarah Huckabee Sanders: “why are those lazy kids sitting around the car? Shouldn’t they be at work at the slaughterhouse?!”
They heard there might be some internet out Californee way
The Grapes of Wrath should be required reading in high school.
The name Dorothea is a bit notorious ‘round these parts
They took our jobsssss
To hell with poverty! We’ll get drunk on cheap wine
I love the coke bottle being used as a baby bottle.
My dad came to California in 1938 with his parents from Montana. At the state line you had to show you had a job lined up and at least $20 because they were turning the Okies away.
To be fair when my kids were that age they looked like that on the regular
I would love to hear the rest of their life story from their descendants….
Would they be considered what was referred to as “Okies” at that time or is 1936 too late? I never truly understood the shitshow that was the Dust Bowl until a few years ago but can’t remember my dates. It’s sad how forgotten this whole chapter is.
The safe quiet determination on the woman’s face is haunting. She’s strong, but walking on the edge. We have no idea
It’s always amazing to me how many people in this country don’t realize how fortunate they are. I don’t know just how hard some people suffered and worked just to survive
I’ve always loved her work. If you get a chance watch “Grab a Hunk of Lightening” – you will be even more impressed with her story.
There is a reason the people who grew up during this time are called the greatest generation.
Definitely Okies. Times were seriously tough back then.
Funny thing is, my parents moved TO Oklahoma about 15 years later. And I am a proud Okie because of that.
A bunch of the Okies and other refugees ended up in Olivehurst Ca. and loads their descendants still live there.
Nothing but boot straps as far as the eye can see
Just a reminder that all of the photographs and artwork people like Dorothea Lange, Ansel Adams, etc produced for the various Alphabet Agencies are public domain. High quality prints can be ordered from places like the Library of Congress and the National Archives for basically the cost of printing & shipping, and they can utilized digitally whenever and wherever you like.
These works are part of our history, they belong to all of us.
My grandparents lived through the Dust Bowl and the Great Depression in Oklahoma and West Texas. They experienced poverty and hardship at a level difficult for me to comprehend.
It’s interesting that this is the image of the jobs that most Americans are reluctant to take.
my grandmother was born in 1931 and now I know why she always said “go wash your hands and face” before eating. I was always wondering why does she want me wash my face?
I bet that woman is less than 25 years old.
Ain’t nobody smiling in that picture
Her photographs seem to humanize the subjects. In fact she was too good at that with some of the shots she took in the Japanese internment camps. They were censored by the Government lest they elicit sympathy.
Sadly a segment of our society who I’ll not name will probably attempt to hide this history from us as well. Because the truth and reality of how this country was built doesn’t fit their narrative.