My brother had front row seats to one of his shows. Rickles threw insults at him at various points during the performance. At the end of the night, as the audience clapped and just before he left the stage, he looked over at my brother and smiled and gave him a wink, as if to say thanks for being a good sport. He was a pure legend and a truly nice man.
My father (passed now for 20’years) spoke proudly of having been the subject of Rickles heckling during a Vegas show. I heard the story a dozen times. I miss both these great men.
Pure genius! He’s the last of his kind…the insult comic don’t exist anymore…and bc everyone has thin skin they aren’t allowed to exist! I’ve always loved Don Rickles…even as a kid, I know he was busting balls! Lol
Don did not have a mean bone in his body. He would make fun of everyone in jest. A true class act. One of my favorite moments, in his later years was when he was on Letterman. Denzel Washington was the guest prior, and Denzel wanted to stay out, as Don was being interviewed. The Next 10 minutes were spent with Don regaling Denzel with stories, while simultaneously ripping into Letterman much to the delight of everyone.
what’s the deal with don rickles all over reddit today?
Love this man!
My brother had front row seats to one of his shows. Rickles threw insults at him at various points during the performance. At the end of the night, as the audience clapped and just before he left the stage, he looked over at my brother and smiled and gave him a wink, as if to say thanks for being a good sport. He was a pure legend and a truly nice man.
dont push
Have to laugh at the video being called ‘Live in Toronto’…Casino Rama is a two hour drive from Toronto.
It definitely insinuates there’s a casino in Toronto
‘Live in Orillia’ doesn’t have the same ring to it I guess.
My father (passed now for 20’years) spoke proudly of having been the subject of Rickles heckling during a Vegas show. I heard the story a dozen times. I miss both these great men.
man will always be a master of comedy
I saw him open for Sinatra at the United Center in Chicago when it first opened in 1994. Frickin’ hilarious.
You called my friend a F”””””?
He was THE insult comic, pure legend
Bunch of hockey pucks in here
Classic. Definitely know what I’m listening to on the drive to work tomorrow now
“Live in Toronto” and “Casino Rama” are mutually exclusive if you’ve ever been to Rama. Quite a drive.
I got to see Mr. Rickles right around this time, and I am SO glad I got to. Absolute legend.
“Nah, we need the Italians so the Jews can get haircuts”
Holy fuck lmaooooooooo
He doesn’t live anywhere, anymore.
Jimmie Lee
That man was a legend and lived an incredible life.
We severely need him in this “your words hurt my feelings” pansy culture 😂
Rest in peace Don!!
Pure genius! He’s the last of his kind…the insult comic don’t exist anymore…and bc everyone has thin skin they aren’t allowed to exist! I’ve always loved Don Rickles…even as a kid, I know he was busting balls! Lol
Censoring some of the slurs is unnecessary. Takes away from the experience.
He’s still alive?
i hope they release some of his full shows during 70’s / 80’s if there were recorded.
Don did not have a mean bone in his body. He would make fun of everyone in jest. A true class act. One of my favorite moments, in his later years was when he was on Letterman. Denzel Washington was the guest prior, and Denzel wanted to stay out, as Don was being interviewed. The Next 10 minutes were spent with Don regaling Denzel with stories, while simultaneously ripping into Letterman much to the delight of everyone.