Does it look satisfying? Its from my game VORON, probably it’s a silly question, but I’m seeing this everyday while developing and not sure anymore…
Does it look satisfying? Its from my game VORON, probably it’s a silly question, but I’m seeing this everyday while developing and not sure anymore…
by u/AleksanderMerk in gaming
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Wow! Great game!
Satisfied me
С нетерпением жду эту игру )
Kinda reminds of the game where you fly around as a bee, but yeah it looks really good.
Looks nice but the bird seems quite small when it flys past stuff, eg smaller than grass. It might just be that the camera fov is very wide so it distorts things on the edges of the view if they’re near the camera. I like the glowy look though. It gives a dream like quality, which I’m sure is what you’re going for. 👏👍
Gah damn these graphics are great
Looks good! Do you have steam page or how can I follow your progress?
I like the art style
Looks great! Will there be other creatures you can fly? 👀
Looks breathtaking, love the art style! Keep up the good work.
It’s cool but I think it would be better if you make his flying up animation some smoother
Flight controls and animation look really cool, the bloom is a bit much. That will get annoying after a while, tone down the brightness of the bloomed out tree tops.
Movement of branches and leaves is a bit weird – looks like the conditions are windy (?), but it is visible only on the the near trees.
Which makes me ask: do you simulate movement of air masses & influence the bird with it? 🙂
It looks great.
BTW – what programming environment and tools do you use? Can I play it on linux? 🙂
I can already hear some light piano music playing in the background.
Looks intriguing!
That is awesome!! Where can you download it
Reminds me of when you get the Godbird soulstone in DQVIII. But with much improved mobility. Keep it up!
Is that an owl? :O
Looks like genshin meets sky.
One thing I’ve learned from my small experience making things (ie art, namely soapstone carvings). I would start to notice the small imperfections and they’d seem super obvious to me. What I started realizing is that no one else sees most of those imperfections.
What you have looks incredible and I wish I could do stuff like this
Ooh, birb!
*Does barrel roll*
It could stand to go a bit faster. I know you make it look faster, but it’s still a bit slow
It’s hard to tell without feeling the controls. Also, audio will play a significant part in generating that satisfying feel – similar to the tracers along the wing tips and the air effects coming off of the bird.
I would say that the air effects surrounding the bird, the kind of “wind rushing past” visual used to denote speed – you might want to tone that down a bit overall and reserve the most intense applications of the effect for high speed maneuvers.
When the bird performs a barrel roll to the left, I like the way that the camera keeps its position as the bird traverses across the horizontal screen space. I don’t know if this is because moving the camera at that moment would cause a collision with the tree or if you’ve loosened the camera trailing function for that particular movement action.
What I would like to see is some similar special camera work for the diving action that occurs around 6 seconds. You know that feeling of weightlessness when cresting a hill on a roller coaster? Try to capture a little bit of that during the dive. You might be able to tilt the camera slightly towards the ground while letting the bird traverse the screen vertically. Not enough to particularly impact visibility, but enough to produce just a hint of that visceral reaction of falling.
Did you make the game [feather](https://store.steampowered.com/app/545040/Feather/)? Because this looks like incredibly similar flying mechanics, and in that game it was pretty good so I’m sure it’s fine. Does “voron” have a story? Or is it just a flying sim.
The bird animation reminds me of Ralph Bakshi style rotoscoping. I agree with the FOV, a visible shadow of the bird where applicable would help too.
It’s bringing vibes from this ocean exploration game called ABZU, and I like that.
Gameplay looks smooth, but the art style looks a bit too much like Breath of the Wild, which in my opinion is one of the uglier, washed out games I know of. Perhaps it’s bloom?
Flower vibes
Reminds me of Eagle Flight on the psvr. Looks brilliant and is definitely a game I’d play! Keep up the great work.
Looks awesome! Is it all about being a bird or do you like morph into one..?
This Starfox 64 skin looks promising.