Does anyone have an idea how long it takes to download a 16 million TB file?
View Reddit by timtexas – View Source
Does anyone have an idea how long it takes to download a 16 million TB file?
View Reddit by timtexas – View Source
About 8 hours apparently
Stop downloading the whole Internet!
7 hours and 49 min.
Just under 8 hours by the look of things.
Quite a fast connection…
596 TB a second! That’s a fast connection
Should be done before GTA VI releases.
You said you wanted HD graphics.
Finally broke into The 5gon?
When you download the internet.
At least 2 minutes
You can will it to your grandkids.
I’m genuinely curious what caused it to say 16M TB
Converted to bytes, thats the maximum value of a 64-bit integer. So I’m not certain, but it *might* be a bug.
It used to take an hr per mb uploading the newly invented mp3 on a dial up modem.
Bout tree fiddy.
I’m more fascinated by the level of compression that sees a 16 million TB file only take up 22GB on disk!
*16.7 Exabytes
Do you own basic maths
These Call of Duty updates are getting out of hand.
He downloading the whole internets!
You are not downloading the Elden Ring – you are downloading the internet.
Nice that you are making a backup for the future in case something happens to it.
Bless you.
With my internet’s top speed of about 10-15 kb/s, I’d say that it would still be downloaded before the US govt. raises the min fucking wage
I more curious about the cost of the hard drive that can store a 16 million TB file….
Welcome to the first boss!
They don’t have enough space on the hard drive so… trick question?
16 Exabytes.
16,000 Petabytes. Thousand.
16,000,000 Terabytes. Million.
16,000,000,000 Gigabytes. billion.
16,000,000,000,000 Megabytes. Trillion.
Assuming a 100 MBit connection, 100 MB would take 100/8 = 12.5 seconds, but the actual value is a bit less because of network protocol overhead etc, so let’s assume 10 seconds for 100 MB.
1 GB is 100 seconds, so 1 TB is 100000 seconds.
16777215.99 TB is 1677721599000 seconds, that’s 1677721599000/60/60/24/365.25 = about **53163.7893 years**, which is:
* 53163 years,
* 9 months,
* 14 days,
* 9 hours,
* 0 minutes
* 0 seconds.
(assuming 0.25 leap years per year, which is slightly incorrect)
^EDIT: ^fixed ^a ^missed ^value ^when ^correcting ^a ^small ^error
^EDIT: ^improved ^formatting
EDIT: regarding leap seconds, these are added irregularly as needed. from 1972 to 2022 there have been 27 leap seconds that were added, so 27/50 = 0.54 seconds per year. For the number of years I calculated above, that would be 53164.7893*0.54 = about 28708 leap seconds, if leap seconds are added at the same rate. As the leap seconds are added, but our clocks are set to show the time as if there were no leap second, we have to subtract the leap seconds from our total number. So we have about 1677721599000-28708 = 1677721570292 seconds as a more correct value. That’s 1677721570292/60/60/24/365.25 = about 53163.7884 years, which is:
* 53163 years
* 9 months
* 14 days
* 1 hour
* 1 minute
* 32 seconds
We saved 7 hours, 58 minutes and 28 seconds!
The values are still not completely correct, as not every 4th year is a leap year and because I have not used the correct timing of leap years and leap seconds, but used average values.
EDIT: For the number of days I also used the average value of 365.25/12 = 30.4375 days per month, which has the incorrectness mentioned above and it doesn’t account for actual calendar dates.
r/theydidthemath possibly?
About 7 hours and 49 minutes
If you can afford the storage, you can probably afford some impressive connection!
Mine did that on Halo the other day. I changed it to not download the campaign and this happened.
Based on my shitty <1MB download speed, it would take ~860 thousand years if I did the math right
Evidently, it takes a little under 8 hours. That’s really good!
Looks about 7-8 hours in your case. That’s some impressive bandwidth, congrats 🎉
23,861 days assuming 200 mbps internet
7 hrs. 49 minutes
Apparently 7 hours and 49 minutes. Some people…
According to your Xbox about 7 hours and 49 minutes.
7 hours 49 minutes
About 7 hrs 49 minutes
7 hours and 49 🤪
7 hours and 49 minutes apparently
It says about 7hrs
So I’d say like 7hrs or so