When I was a kid, my dad setup nearly 10,000 mousetraps with ping pong balls on them to give a visual demonstration of neutrons in a fission reaction. He failed multiple times we setup a VHS camera to record him working. A slow mo of him shouting as thousands of mousetraps went off around him ended up on the local news as a result.
What would’ve been better. 1 humans and 1000 size mouse traps? Or 1000 humans and 1 human sized mouse trap?
Jump starts at 1:45
no safety goggles? stupid at best.
When I was a kid, my dad setup nearly 10,000 mousetraps with ping pong balls on them to give a visual demonstration of neutrons in a fission reaction. He failed multiple times we setup a VHS camera to record him working. A slow mo of him shouting as thousands of mousetraps went off around him ended up on the local news as a result.