Wednesday, March 12All That Matters

Digital Foundry: Forza Motorsport’s RT Controversy: Misleading Marketing?


  • I don’t think this was intentional misleading marketing, they probably wanted to have this level of ray tracing and at the time of making those trailers, that was probably their goal, but they hit technical issues running that level of ray tracing on the consoles.

    I don’t believe there is any intentional misleading going on, but instead overpromising features they thought they could deliver in a similar way that No Mans Sky did. I agree it sucks, but I think there’s a fine line between intentionally misleading someone and overpromising and under delivering.

    An example of misleading marketing would be if in the launch trailer or the screenshots for the game on the Steam store or adverts of the game now is showing that level of ray tracing and its not in the game, but thats not the case. This is a case of them over promising and not being able to deliver so the final product wasn’t what they originally hoped it to be.

    I think people understand when buying the game what the game looks like and no one has the expectation the game looks like those original trailers, so its hard to argue they mislead the consumer. You could argue if someone saw those trailers and instantly preordered its misleading, but this comes back to the whole don’t pre-order games on undelivered promises.

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