There are a countless number for normal Christian Americans who are NOT ultraconservative bible thumping evangelists. We understand Jesus knows humanity and is compassionate of our faults. We have no desire to be associated with Trump style fascism and would NEVER legislate a national health crisis over abortion. Should we pray for a day without need of abortion, what harm could come? I for one have no platform to judge people and live a life of a normal working guy with my crutches of coping mechanisms. Be kind to all creatures, hope everyone finds inner peace, offer your hand to your neighbors, do no harm……. just people who believe not zealots.
I’m a “progressive” Christian who is LGBT, sex-positive, and the like. I probably wouldn’t have the bumper sticker since I’m not an evangelical, though. Honestly, the fundamentalists just have a hell of a lot of PR aimed at making everyone think all Christians are like them, when their leaders often find excuses to get around the core commandment of love. Hell, just look at Episcopalians even for a denomination that came from evangelical and anglo-saxon origins which is same-sex affirming, ordains women, and accepts a broad range of views in their churches. People like that can be totally fine.
Then again, even most fundamentalist/conservative churches have way more going on under the surface that they’d vocally call “sexual immorality”.
Some bible thumper probably put that on the car.
That’s the Rust Belt for ya
Just another brain dead conservative boss babe hustlin’ her grind and promoting her cult.
There are lots of sex-positive Christians. Assuming the store doesn’t sell porn, it’s not impossible that they can be both.
It makes total sense.
I used to be in the swinger lifestyle. That is also where I made my most right wing, conservative, religious friends.
I’ve met Christian ladies who are super into pure romance, like it’s the thing that will keep a man
God is very sex positive. His followers…. not so much.
Shout out Buffalo! Ya filthy animals, don’t stop!
There are a countless number for normal Christian Americans who are NOT ultraconservative bible thumping evangelists. We understand Jesus knows humanity and is compassionate of our faults. We have no desire to be associated with Trump style fascism and would NEVER legislate a national health crisis over abortion. Should we pray for a day without need of abortion, what harm could come? I for one have no platform to judge people and live a life of a normal working guy with my crutches of coping mechanisms. Be kind to all creatures, hope everyone finds inner peace, offer your hand to your neighbors, do no harm……. just people who believe not zealots.
At least it’s not a Ford Probe.
Hometown represent.
LOL you’re right by my house.
Spotted the Priest
Why not? Most of their costumers tend to call out to Him a lot.
I actually know this person. They are pretty interesting but good peeps
And the license plate frame.
“I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners, to repentance.”
– Jesus
They sell Jesus but plugs
Discrete packaging, non discrete delivery van.
christians believe sex is a gift from god. get freaky with your spouse. god is all for it. no porn. no other people. not a whole lot else off limits.
I’m a “progressive” Christian who is LGBT, sex-positive, and the like. I probably wouldn’t have the bumper sticker since I’m not an evangelical, though. Honestly, the fundamentalists just have a hell of a lot of PR aimed at making everyone think all Christians are like them, when their leaders often find excuses to get around the core commandment of love. Hell, just look at Episcopalians even for a denomination that came from evangelical and anglo-saxon origins which is same-sex affirming, ordains women, and accepts a broad range of views in their churches. People like that can be totally fine.
Then again, even most fundamentalist/conservative churches have way more going on under the surface that they’d vocally call “sexual immorality”.
It’s to practice saying “oh my gawd”…
Can you imagine them dropping off their kids to school in that? Hilarious
What a twist!
Can’t imagine the site owner looking at a sudden peek in consultations of his website after this post
God not only created sex, he’s always watching too.