She looks at lot like Natalie Dormer from Game Of Thrones. Has anyone seen that show? It’s amazing. I’m so excited to see how it ends! One more season to go!!
I was a long term sub at a middle school earlier this year and they were reading A Midsummer’s Night Dream. I made them watch the opening of one film adaptation. I ended up choosing the 1969 version because a) We watched that one when we after we read it in high school and b) it was free on YouTube. So as I’m showing it to them, I make a mental note to myself that the actress who played Helena looked a lot like Margery Tyrell from GOT and it clicked to me that it was none other than Olenna herself.
a 10
I think ladies who wear the minimum amount of clothing are wonderful.
Olenna Tyrell. Game of Thrones
I had a huge crush on her in The Avengers when I was a kid.

Beautiful human being
I’m in love with Emma Peel
Smooth as ivory, heart of steel
Wanna know the ways she feels
Wanna touch her
Mrs. Teresa Bond
It was so nice to see her and her daughter in Detectorists.
Great show and she was beautiful in that too, still had that spark!
She was Perfect. RIP
The best Bond girl.
“I was good. I was very good.”

My pre life crush 😀
Photo is from the press reception for *The Assassination Bureau* with Oliver Reed in 1967.
And very posh too !
****”Tell Cersei it was me…”****
At first glance I thought it was Shirley Manson from Garbage. Doppelganger? Or should I get new glasses?
Mrs Bond I presume
She looks at lot like Natalie Dormer from Game Of Thrones. Has anyone seen that show? It’s amazing. I’m so excited to see how it ends! One more season to go!!
I was a long term sub at a middle school earlier this year and they were reading A Midsummer’s Night Dream. I made them watch the opening of one film adaptation. I ended up choosing the 1969 version because a) We watched that one when we after we read it in high school and b) it was free on YouTube. So as I’m showing it to them, I make a mental note to myself that the actress who played Helena looked a lot like Margery Tyrell from GOT and it clicked to me that it was none other than Olenna herself.
R.I.P Dianna
The old woman who should be cloned repeatedly..for the betterment of humanity of course
One of my first TV crushes