So many questions. Why am I on a boat? The last time I got as on a boat didn’t go well. What color is the boat? Is the boat on a lake or ocean? Are the bananas and chocolate wet? What kind of chocolate? Dark? Milk? Can we cover the bananas in the chocolate? Do I have diabetes in this situation? Who is driving the boat? Am I driving and eating? That don’t seem safe. Can I take some home? Wait wait wait… Am I rich enough to own a boat? Am I drunk? Is that why I bought all this chocolate but remembered I’m diabetic so I bought bananas to balance it out? I don’t like bananas… But I do like monkeys and monkeys like bananas. Where are the monkeys? Not the one that bit me the one time. He was a bad monkey…. I’m hungry. What?
The kid thinks he has done something wrong. He misinterpreted the look me in the eyes.
Kids find that notoriously hard to make eye contact especially when there is a height difference. Its intimidating for them. Get down to their level, state your intentions, and then ask again for eye contact.
Kid keeps looking off to the side when asked to think about something because he’s VISUALIZING in his head. Every time you go “wait look at me”, you interrupt that process. Just keep talking, then repeat your shit at the end and see what he retained.
The adult in this just frustrates me with their lack of proper communication.
me in most conversations
That was me. Kinda still is.
My name is devon and I do have adhd
Can confirm this is what it’s like
I teach kindergarten and this is my whole day at the start of the year.
and thats how you deal with a situation like that jesus my mother would be screaming at me halfway through the sentence
Kid wants to talk about his tragic boating experience and dads asking him dumb questions.
Wait, what’s that?
Got me chuckling.
So many questions. Why am I on a boat? The last time I got as on a boat didn’t go well. What color is the boat? Is the boat on a lake or ocean? Are the bananas and chocolate wet? What kind of chocolate? Dark? Milk? Can we cover the bananas in the chocolate? Do I have diabetes in this situation? Who is driving the boat? Am I driving and eating? That don’t seem safe. Can I take some home? Wait wait wait… Am I rich enough to own a boat? Am I drunk? Is that why I bought all this chocolate but remembered I’m diabetic so I bought bananas to balance it out? I don’t like bananas… But I do like monkeys and monkeys like bananas. Where are the monkeys? Not the one that bit me the one time. He was a bad monkey…. I’m hungry. What?
This was painful, lol
He wants some mfking donuts. Swing away on sunken ship. You are the one wrong. Devon knows what he wants.
You don’t ever bring banana on boat.
Now imagine you’re in a room with 34 Devons, trying to teach them how to read, write, and understand math. Teachers do not get paid enough!
there’s always money in the banana boat
If you ask me to make eye-contact, I will have a much harder time focusing on what you are saying to me.
I’m limiting visual and emotional stimulation.
This would drive me batshit insane..
The kid thinks he has done something wrong. He misinterpreted the look me in the eyes.
Kids find that notoriously hard to make eye contact especially when there is a height difference. Its intimidating for them. Get down to their level, state your intentions, and then ask again for eye contact.
How did the boat sink and this kid end up on it?
I work with licensed professionals. This is most meetings.
Biggest takeaway: If given the option between chocolate and bananas, choose donuts
“ do you like bananas or chocolates better”
That kid wants to retract his earlier statement. He clearly wanted to eat doughnut on the boat but was pressured into choosing chocolate. Lol
Is the adult stupid or something? Have anyone tried staring at the camera or a person with LED light burning into your retina?
“And there were sharks under the water so I had to swim away.. what more do you want to know?”
I will now refer to my adhd brain when not focusing as Devon.
Kid keeps looking off to the side when asked to think about something because he’s VISUALIZING in his head. Every time you go “wait look at me”, you interrupt that process. Just keep talking, then repeat your shit at the end and see what he retained.
The adult in this just frustrates me with their lack of proper communication.
That’s not ADHD, that’s just a normal kid cutting through the bullshit.
Studies have shown some of us listen better without eye contact
No one in the comments wondering what the hell the question is about in the first place?
Is it some kind of joke? Is it supposed to get a reaction? Help.