DEVO on SNL in 1979 covering The rolling Stones’ “I Can’t Get No Satisfaction”
DEVO on SNL in 1979 covering The rolling Stones’ “I Can’t Get No Satisfaction”
byu/Thin_Arachnid6217 inOldSchoolCool
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Drummer, bassist, rhythm guitarist, lead guitarist and singer, twitcher.
Love Devo, but leading with the infamous Fred Willard.
I miss him on Real People, yep….I’m that olde.
I want the whole video
This is both a top 5 SNL performance and cover version of any song.
Sounds like it may have influenced Primus on the South Park theme.
Where’s the whole video? Why post a sniglet.
Gerald Casale has a way of moving that looks like he is in stop motion, it’s truly amazing to watch, I don’t know how he does it.
I saw this when it aired. I was 8 years old and very confused and fascinated. I was genuinely unsure if I was watching people or animatronics.
Boo for posting only half a performance without warning, but I still genuinely love this song. Also “Uncontrollable Urge.”
What’s with the MTV logo?
I used get bullied by the morons in high school back in ’79 because I loved alt/new wave bands like devo. All those guys went on to become alcoholics and townies.
56 seconds? NOT COOL
The entire album “Are We Not Men?” is absolutely awesome. Seriously one of my favs.
Mark Mothersbaugh went on to do the music for Rug Rats.
I liked Devo I also liked Primus, “Jerry was a race car driver” I’m an odd Boomer
Saw that in 1979. Was blown away. Found out about punk rock 80 to 81. Thought I was late to the revolution. Ha!
Was that Fred Willard introducing them? Such a treasure. RIP

Love Devo and I love that this song is in my favorite movie “Casino”.
I know it’s SNL and live but it really looks like it was recorded in slower motion and sped up to 29fps.
I always forget that the ’80s started in the ’70s.
It is a TRAVESTY that Devo is not yet in the Rock n Roll Hall Of Fame. If the benchmark is influence, this band (and Mark Mothersburgh specifically) are the seminal U.S. band of the late 70s and 80s.
Edit for spelling
This is so good
One of the best covers ever. I mean, I like a good carbon-copy cover as much as the next guy, but what really takes things to the next level is when you interpret the song and transform it stylistically to make it your own, which, of course, they’ve done a brilliant job of here.
I heard a story about this version of the song on a radio show that was hilarious.
So I guess DEVO recorded the cover for this song and brought it to NYC so the agents and executives could have a listen before approving it for their record. Supposedly someone assumed it was gonna be a solid cover of the song and never listened to it before they were going to have this meeting. Well I guess Mick Jagger was in town already and decided he would like to be there in person to hear it for himself. Well sometime just before the meeting someone like an agent listened to it and freaked out saying there’s no way you can play this for the record execs, they’ll be offended and if Mick hears it he would probably get upset for wasting his time. Well it was too late some of the execs already heard it and were furious and scrambling to make sure Mick didn’t bother to come. Anyways, Mick comes popping into a board room with everyone sitting there and says “alright, let’s hear it then.” Some important people in the room were scoffing and trying to change the subject saying that it wasn’t going to be good enough for the album blah blah blah, anything just so he wouldn’t hear it. So Mick insists, “nah mate you brought me down here, what’s the problem? I wanna hear it.”
So they play it and the first 20 seconds the room was still, execs were embarrassed and nervous, Mick was deeply concentrating on the song, then he pops up with a huge smile on his face and starts doing a Jagger dance around the room yelling “yes! You nailed it! I absolutely love it!!”
Anyways, I’m not sure how true or accurate that is, but it was freaking hilarious to think about.
One of the greatest performance art bands ever. Watch Bob 2’s head movements when he’s not playing. Genius.
I was in college at the time and was blown away at the performance. I bought the album the next day and it was all anybody was talking about on campus for the next week. SNL had great musical acts in this era.
The person who cut this video short needs to be whipped.