This is a genuine question: can someone please explain to me what the *actual* message or lesson is behind George Carlin’s whole, “The planet is fine, the people are fucked” rant? Because some smartass always bandies it about whenever the words, “destroy” and “planet,” are juxtaposed together and they always act like they’re making some sort of real, cogent point.
Was reading the Infinite and the Divine, amazing book from the 40k universe about a millennia old rivalry between two robot mummy lords essentially. But there’s a part in it where one of them gets asked by his human servant of 60 plus years if the mummy Lord plans to destroy the planet they’re on (not earth) and the robo dude responds (paraphrasing)
“Let me put it this way, I was here when all that existed in this spot was jungle, when the monsoon rains were brought from the oceans not artificial cloud seeding. I was here when your embassy row was where the waves splashed upon the beached before your kind drained the oceans. You ask me if I’m going to destroy the planet, but I ask you, do you really need the help?”
Whenever people talk about what a genius George Carlin was, I think of him saying basically exactly this. Like, no shit, people don’t generally assume the Earth is gonna explode because we use fossil fuels
We’ve had plenty of mass extinction events where 90+% of life died. Some of us would be fossils for the next sentient species to find or maybe not and we are lost forever. This could’ve happened many times over and we just don’t see it in the fossils that we have. Fossils only show like 1% maximum of all life that lived. It would be like finding fossils of a cow and a horse and maybe a monkey or a tuna 200 million years from now.
The earth has experienced far worse and recovered, once we drive ourselves to extinction it’ll be like we never existed in about 10m years which is nothing on a geologic timescale.
The genetic diversity loss is massive but not unlike other previous mass extinctions.
The “dying” planet, we’re talking about global warming.
Floods, things dienout, ice age occurs. But right after we all die out, the polar ice caps will have reformed, the greenhouse gasses would have gone back down, plants and trees will come back, and life starts over again.
I make this correction all the time, but it’s not because I’m trying to be pedantic, it’s because I truly believe that there is a subsect of people (specifically in the United States) who seem to think they’re somehow “taking the planet with them” when they go, and it almost seems as if they take pride in this notion – so they keep driving their big pollution belching trucks with this in mind – but I just want them to realize the planet isn’t going anywhere. We are. We’re going away. Pack your shit, folks – George Carlin
This is a genuine question: can someone please explain to me what the *actual* message or lesson is behind George Carlin’s whole, “The planet is fine, the people are fucked” rant? Because some smartass always bandies it about whenever the words, “destroy” and “planet,” are juxtaposed together and they always act like they’re making some sort of real, cogent point.
Anyway, if you like my comics, I’ve got more on [my website](
Absolutely right I hate it when people say it’s the end of the world, the planet’s got at least another 4 billion years on the clock. Give or take
Was reading the Infinite and the Divine, amazing book from the 40k universe about a millennia old rivalry between two robot mummy lords essentially. But there’s a part in it where one of them gets asked by his human servant of 60 plus years if the mummy Lord plans to destroy the planet they’re on (not earth) and the robo dude responds (paraphrasing)
“Let me put it this way, I was here when all that existed in this spot was jungle, when the monsoon rains were brought from the oceans not artificial cloud seeding. I was here when your embassy row was where the waves splashed upon the beached before your kind drained the oceans. You ask me if I’m going to destroy the planet, but I ask you, do you really need the help?”
I genuinely hope that person rips out a hangnail every time I see that shit. Bitch, you know wtf I meant by “end of the world.”
Hey Mutants live in the sewers, while regular looking humans and aliens live on the surface. You will need to get a permit if you wish to come up top.
Jesus its not that hard also Leela youre fired.
Hey imma be a karma farming whore, what subs does tentacle elon at the bottom frequent? I’ll start.
At this point, everything is a repost but couldn’t you wait at least a month or two? Fucking christ.
I’ve played Fallout 4 before. Saw what happened with all that pollution. Now I see that the people on Earth have done the same or worse. lol
I figure the planet would recover eventually. The planet could probably survive longer than us and once it gets rid of us it can recover.
Whenever people talk about what a genius George Carlin was, I think of him saying basically exactly this. Like, no shit, people don’t generally assume the Earth is gonna explode because we use fossil fuels
A typical discourse on Reddit.
there will be NO life left. we’re gunna be VENUS! no life.
“But the profits we made and brought to our shareholders was worth it”
We’ve had plenty of mass extinction events where 90+% of life died. Some of us would be fossils for the next sentient species to find or maybe not and we are lost forever. This could’ve happened many times over and we just don’t see it in the fossils that we have. Fossils only show like 1% maximum of all life that lived. It would be like finding fossils of a cow and a horse and maybe a monkey or a tuna 200 million years from now.
The earth has experienced far worse and recovered, once we drive ourselves to extinction it’ll be like we never existed in about 10m years which is nothing on a geologic timescale.
The genetic diversity loss is massive but not unlike other previous mass extinctions.
Humans acting like anything they do won’t just be reset in the blink of an eye for the planet lol.
But he’s right
But it’s true.
The “dying” planet, we’re talking about global warming.
Floods, things dienout, ice age occurs. But right after we all die out, the polar ice caps will have reformed, the greenhouse gasses would have gone back down, plants and trees will come back, and life starts over again.
This time, just without us.
Sorry, the joke lost me in the first half.
I would be a lot of things if we managed to destroy the earth but surprised wouldn’t be one of them.
Hate these overhysterical people.
I make this correction all the time, but it’s not because I’m trying to be pedantic, it’s because I truly believe that there is a subsect of people (specifically in the United States) who seem to think they’re somehow “taking the planet with them” when they go, and it almost seems as if they take pride in this notion – so they keep driving their big pollution belching trucks with this in mind – but I just want them to realize the planet isn’t going anywhere. We are. We’re going away. Pack your shit, folks – George Carlin
“The planet is fine. The people are fucked.”
If you hate humans so much, why not rid us of yourself? That would reduce the population, serving your ends.
Guess who’s getting eaten next.
Well plants love C02 also..
Nature itself will never be destroyed. It will change so that we all die, but that’s not the same thing as destruction.
“We cam’t know that humanity is the cause”
always that one guy
I hate this guy like seriously shut the fuck up
Rosharans and Final Empire Scadrians be like