Deep Space 9 – Benny’s reaction to being rejected for writing a black captain
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Deep Space 9 – Benny’s reaction to being rejected for writing a black captain
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For those interested in the episode its the Star Trek Deep Space 9 episode titled “Far Beyond the Stars”.
The YouTube channel Lorerunner does a rumination for every DS9 episode as well for fans wanting something to binge watch
Question for those who saw the episode:. Do you feel Avery was overacting? There seems to be a difference of opinion
It wasn’t just being rejected for the story….his entire reality was breaking down between two points of existence. Questioning which was real. I get get the knocks against his acting. But the concept of this episode is very precious to my heart.
Are we the dreamer, or the dream?
This ep always brings me to tears. Not because of this scene. For some reason, it’s the scene in the ambulance when the Preacher tells him to rest easy.
Fuck this comment section. Loved every moment of Avery Brooks on ST. He was following WILLIAM SHATNER and Patrick Stewart lol. The legacy was over the top theatrical performances in the captain role. And it goes back even further in scifi in general. Trek is a soap opera and the performances represent that. My Colombian girlfriend legit calls DS9 my “telenovela.”
There’s an extra layer of irony here that knowing we what know now about the Star Trek producers in this era shooting down anything with a hint of a gay plot/subplot.
Brilliant. 10/10
I never understood what this episode was trying to do. Maybe because I am not American and I’m as white as they come, but it seemed oddly placed. From a character development point of view, from a season arc point of view, just didn’t understand. I rewatched this episode last week and still to this day, it’s still a mystery what the Prophets were trying to do in this episode other than show us racism is bad.
Sisko is up there as one of the greatest ST captains. His character felt more real than the rest, more human.
Avery Brooks is a GREAT actor.
This is one of the best episodes of Star Trek, and I mean from every iteration. I constantly go back to it, just amazing acting and writing, I especially love seeing the actors without their prosthetics.
Write the words brother Benny.
This episode will probably be banned in Florida soon.
Sisko is my captain.
I loved Avery Brooks as Captain Sisko. It took a season or 2 for him to find his way, but as soon as he came into his own (right around the time he grew the goatee) he became my favourite Star Trek Captain.
DS9 fan and love Sisko, but didn’t really enjoy this episode when it first aired. Just seemed like too much of a departure from the Dominion War episodes.
With that being said, as I’ve gotten older and on rewatching it in addition to being aware of the social commentary (went right over my head back in the day), I can now say this is easily not only one of the best DS9 episodes (still think “In the Pale Moonlight” is #1 though), but also one of the best Trek episodes ever.
I’m confused. Does some of Star Trek happen on Earth? I assumed it was all in space or other planets. Is it future racism? Or like past racism?
My dude is chewing the scenery to bits here, Jesus.
This episode was so good.
It was also one of the only times the N word was on network tv? Especially in the early 90s
Jake sisko’s character got to drop it. Can’t remember when, but him and Benny are talking in the diner.
Powerful episode, man.
This and In the Pale Moonlight. So. Damn. Good.
Avery Brooks is one of my favorite actors of all time.
Only watched it last night. Heart breaking really something I will never understand hopefully.
Deep Space 9 delivered some of the best episodes of Star Trek in my opinion. That series and Sisko will always be my favorite. Im baffled to see that people think Avery Brooks is a bad/over actor
Is it real?
[Or is it a fake?](https://youtu.be/6lHgbbM9pu4)
What a compelling scene. I also sensed the pathos from some of the characters around him about the injustice of it all. Imagine if you had a POC who was a colleague and friend who was treated this way… What would you do? Maybe someone here has experienced that?
Funny how 90s Star Trek always goes back to the 40s and 50s style
DS9 was probably the best Star Trek series. Real characters with real emotions. Most cookie cutter tropes were left at the door, as people are often much more nuanced than any trope could define.
And folk wonder why I don’t like Picard. Ignoring the Star Trek name its just damn good television and a very powerful message.