Saturday, November 30All That Matters

December 10, 1949 New Orleans, Louisiana Fats Domino, one of the pioneers of what would become Rock ‘n’ Roll, recorded his first tracks for Imperial Records. One of the songs recorded that day, “The Fat Man,” sold over a million copies.

December 10, 1949 New Orleans, Louisiana Fats Domino, one of the pioneers of what would become Rock ‘n’ Roll, recorded his first tracks for Imperial Records. One of the songs recorded that day, “The Fat Man,” sold over a million copies.

Photo of Fats with composer, bandleader and producer Dave Bartholomew at J&M, the tiny recording studio on Rampart Street run by Cosimo Matassa where many classics were recorded between 1945 and 1956.

Photo: Franck-Bertacci Photographers

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