One time around 1990 or so my mom and I were shopping at Venture. There was a bike helmet that was really cheap. But when it wrang up it was like double the cost.
My mom put it back.
I didn’t get a bike helmet until I bought one myself as an adult about 12 years later.
Carelessly?? She’s got a head lamp and a horn on her bike, and she’s hand-signaling her left turn on a totally empty street. If there were eggshells in this photo, she’d be mincing tediously over them with this bike, and not a one would break.
what an odd title. I wore a helmet once on a school bike trip in ’97, but otherwise I never owned one nor saw anyone else wear one, and in those days we rode our bikes *everywhere.*
Have you noticed any Harley riders on the highways lately? No helmets. That’s careless.
This is just a publicity photo of Debbie Reynolds on a bicycle.
“Carelessly riding a bike without a helmet” has got to be posted by a young one. There were no helmets for us these days kiddo! And I’m over ten years younger that this lassie!
The force runs in her family
I just did that ten minutes ago in 2023
She can have my helmet it’s fine I don’t need it
Aka, the way LITERALLY EVERYONE rode a bike until 1990.
Maybe she would still be alive, if only she had worn a helmet.
The woman who gave us Princess Leia
And yet she still managed to give birth to Princess Leia two years after this photo was taken. Amazing!
At least she’s got her headlights on!
One time around 1990 or so my mom and I were shopping at Venture. There was a bike helmet that was really cheap. But when it wrang up it was like double the cost.
My mom put it back.
I didn’t get a bike helmet until I bought one myself as an adult about 12 years later.
NO ONE wore helmets until the 90s biking or skiing.
Oh imagine that!
Oh, no. Not without a helmet.
I am shocked by her carelessness. Wow.
No one wore a helmet before like 1980.
Atta girl
How dare she be a happy human being, perfectly fit to her age and time?
I still ride my bike without helmet.
I don’t think OP has seen many people being “careless”. 🙄
Did bike helmets even exist in 1954?
Nobody wears helmets in the netherlands and they are the most bike friendly people. Maybe you guys, especially OP should go out more
Carelessly?? She’s got a head lamp and a horn on her bike, and she’s hand-signaling her left turn on a totally empty street. If there were eggshells in this photo, she’d be mincing tediously over them with this bike, and not a one would break.
Oh, the horrors! 🙄
She wasn’t riding a bike without a helmet, she was just riding a bike because at that time, there was no riding a bike with a helmet.
Accident rate is about the same for pedestrians and people riding bicycles.
May I never catch you walking on the sidewalk carelessly without a helmet, OP 🙂
What a stupid title
Back when the chrome was thick and the women wore the earrings
Such a beauty, Debbie’s not half bad either.
casual biking around town, no helmet is fine
Wowowowow looks like this should be in the dangerous acts subreddit
Me, riding a bike without a helmet, 2023.
If only she was smoking as well, that would really give reddit a stroke.
Literally every person in the Netherlands:
When I was young we rode bikes without a helmet all the time and we turned out okay.
There are a couple of good points about her.
Or here in the Netherlands where there are more bikes than people and literally **no-one** wears a helmet. Not even kids.
But, responsibly signaling a left turn.
I like the description letting us know this person isn’t wearing a helmet. I would not have guessed.
what an odd title. I wore a helmet once on a school bike trip in ’97, but otherwise I never owned one nor saw anyone else wear one, and in those days we rode our bikes *everywhere.*
The caption misspelled “joyfully”.
Everyone is so triggered by his use of the word carelessly and here I am just thinking OP is being sarcastic.
‘Debbie Reynolds riding a bike’ would have been fine.
FYI, OP, there were no bike helmets in 1954. Also, FYI, there were no cars in 1776.
So careless that she’s dead now.
I’m pretty sure OP was being sarcastic about the helmet.
Have you noticed any Harley riders on the highways lately? No helmets. That’s careless.
This is just a publicity photo of Debbie Reynolds on a bicycle.
Judging by the tall sign in the BG, this looks like Metro Goldwyn Mayer Studio lot on West Washington Blvd in Culver City, CA
Why is “without a helmet” important for you to mention? Lol
“Carelessly riding a bike without a helmet” has got to be posted by a young one. There were no helmets for us these days kiddo! And I’m over ten years younger that this lassie!