Monday, March 10All That Matters

Death Positive funeral director and Ask a Mortician YouTuber, Caitlin Doughty, gets educational video removed for “Violating community guidelines”


Death Positive funeral director and Ask a Mortician YouTuber, Caitlin Doughty, gets educational video removed for “Violating community guidelines”


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  • I hope bigger channels pick this up because the documentary took her team months to make and she runs her channel entirely on donations!! They’re killing their own platform by doing this over and over again and being entirely unwilling to work with their creators EVEN IF THEY HAVE NEARLY 2M SUBSCRIBERS.

  • just a hilarious aside, I posted this video to r/YouTube to discuss their misuse of community guidelines and I was permanently banned. when I asked for an explanation from a mod they said a link to the video was not necessary. her entire video discusses YouTube’s decision to blacklist her video, what else was I supposed to do instead?? r/YouTube is a joke. I posted it for meta content discussion and was banned.

  • The best part about “violating community guidelines” is unless you are one of the top channels, no HUMAN at YouTube will ever explain to you exactly what you did “wrong.”

    I had a video delisted AND a strike put on my channel years ago for “violating community guidelines.”

    I watched the video dozens of times and couldn’t figure out what was wrong. The strike doesn’t even say “at 2:30 in the video you said X” or “you featured Y which was reported because of Z.”

    For a YEAR my videos were demonetized.

    Then by PURE LUCK at E3 I met a guy who WORKED at YouTube. I offhand mentioned my issue and he said he’d try to find out.

    Weeks later he emailed me. He said it was really easy. See the video (which was 4+ years old at that point) had a link in the description to a website with more information, but I guess in the time since I made the video 4 years ago, the domain was now owned by some hacking related organization. So that’s why I got the strike. If I removed the link, the video was good.

    So I did, and it was.

    THAT’S how stupid the community guidelines are. That only by LUCK I happened to corner a YouTube employee IRL at an event by LUCK, and then with TWO WEEKS of digging he figured it out.

    I STILL don’t understand why the original strike couldn’t just say “You may not link to websites that promote illegal activity in the description of your video.” Why the hell did I have to be punished for a year instead of YouTube just TELLING ME why I was in trouble?

    Plus: How could I hope to avoid/correct my “bad” behavior if I am not even told what it is? So fucking stupid.


    EDIT: A similar thing happened to me on Xbox Live last year. Got a note I broke community rules with a message I sent. I read the message 20 times, showed it to coworkers, other gamers, etc. Nobody could figure out what could possibly be wrong with it. No notes in the suspension about WHY it was wrong, like “racism” or “promotes cheating” or anything you could imagine. No way to appeal. Just a “get screwed” with zero context.

  • YouTube seriously is the absolute most antagonistic against the very people that make the shitty platform thrive. The independent content creators get bent over CONSTANTLY and it fucking infuriates me. These people work hard for their viewers unlike the soulless channels like reaction channels and the such, and still they lose out because YouTube said, “fuck you, why not?”

  • Her episode on midnight gospel where she plays as death is great. I will admit though that I was also coming down off acid while watching it so that may have influenced my opinion slightly.

  • It’s odd to hear Caitlin using words like “we,” “our,” or “the team.” I’ve been watching her for years, but it never occurred to me that other people worked on the videos with her. Sure she had guests on frequently, and I assumed she had an editor, but I didn’t realize she actually had a whole staff of folks making the channel.

  • I watched the Eastland video the day it dropped and thought it a sensitively done bit of documentary work. That YouTube lacks a mechanism with which to communicate with an actual human in cases like this is, and I do not believe myself to be hyperbolic, Kafkaesque.

  • [Link to the SS Eastland video]( that she talks about. It’s a GREAT educational video and blew my mind because it killed more ~~people~~ passengers than Titanic just three years after Titanic. The video sent me on a Wikipedia rabbithole.

    Caitlin is an absolute badass and one of the **BEST** creators on YouTube – hope she gets the video resurrected.

    YouTube’s automation system likely auto-flagged the “SS” right out of the gate. Coupled with a few random content reports from pearl-clutching clowns and BLAM, it’s gone.

    That, or it was report bombed by the psycho FB groups that just go around reporting content all over YouTube that doesn’t match their agenda.

    The YouTube takedown system is automated. Once a video hits a threshold of automated flags or reports, boom, it’s gone. Automation is the only way YouTube can maintain editorial deniability about the content that’s uploaded to their “platform.” If YouTube **ever** took the role of direct “human eyes” administration of uploaded content, they’d become legally liable for **everything** that’s uploaded. With an automated system, their platform can remain disconnected from the content. They only put “human eyes” on stuff that blows up (like this video likely will) or on appeals that provide enough evidence to allow YouTube to be comfortable with re-allowing content to go up. If a 3rd party makes a claim on your video, it’s 10000% easier for YouTube to fire first and comply with the 3rd party than taking on the legal risk of NOT reacting.

    It’s not great, but it’s the ONLY way YouTube is able to keep doing what they do.

    EDIT: [Fizzbit]( noticed I said people instead of passengers. Fixed!

  • I saw the documentary and I thought it was really interesting and I cannot see any reason for it being a problem.

    My daughter is one of your fans and she told me about you two years ago when I basically started my Mom’s journey in LTC.

    I would also like to thank you Caitlin for making our waiting period much less scary and I have always appreciated your humour!

  • It’s been over a decade now but I had a YouTube channel that got taken down with no strikes, no real explanation, and with no recourse. Just an automated email telling me it was closed. I wish there were other comparable platforms.

  • The fact they labeled that SS Eastland video as something not educational is an absolute f***ing joke. That’s like the whole point of the channel is to do educational videos.

    It makes me irrationally mad they strike things like that down but leave up everything else I see on YouTube.

    If you’ve never heard of her or seen her videos I highly recommend giving them a watch. She’s right up there with LEMMiNO for me. Slow release schedules but damn good videos.

  • This is the problem I have with all tech platforms. There’s no accountability and there’s no recourse. These platforms need to be taken over by their employees and run for the benefit of the public in general, with a state managed ombudsman team. Enough is enough.


    Here’s the video. It’s educational, well-made, and sad. Doughty is so amazing, and her team too!

    Their work has helped me process the loss of my father.

    Edit: a letter
    The video is **unlisted**, not removed.
    The rule it violated was something along the lines of “graphic images of dead bodies for non-educational purposes.” To me, that means a robot or algorithm flagged it.

  • What I don’t get is why Youtube hasn’t figured out how to match advertisers with content they’re willing to advertise on. It doesn’t seem to be a hard problem (the most lazy solution: channels that currently would be demonetized instead get ads for dildos and fleshlights — I’d imagine those at Google can come up with something better).

  • I love Caitlin — her videos are absolutely a public service. She also runs her own company that specializes in sensitive and environmentally sound funeral services. She is amazing, and she’s written multiple books, etc. This is RIDICULOUS.

  • Reminds me of the YouTuber who reviewed DIY project videos and warned people away from doing a wood burning project that used electricity and car battery wires or something, and it actually resulted in multiple people dying. This is a video warning people *away* from dying, and YT removed it… meanwhile the actual videos of wood burning projects being done by newbies are still up, continue to be uploaded, and people continue to be put at risk of death… ?

  • I feel like someone had to have targeted that video specifically. It’s an old event but those companies still exist, and may have taken issue with the facts being brought out. Or just general report attacks even

  • Same. They took a hammer to my video the other day for a violation of community guidelines. Refused to tell me what in the video broke their rules, only sending me links to their rules. A video with 280k views over 4 days just up and gone, appeal denied and no idea what I did wrong. I had to upload another copy with some slight tweaks to just try and recapture the audience that was clearly there for my content. No problems with that one though, even though it’s 99.5 percent the same exact video.

    Imagine if this happened in any other context. Like you got a ticket from a cop and they refused to say what it was for, and then you went to court to contest it and the court refused to tell you either. But you still have to argue why you didn’t commit a crime despite not knowing what it was.

    It’s especially ridiculous because they could just use their copyright system. Have the reviewer fill out the timestamp and reason. Give you options on how to fix it that triggers a re review. Then you can learn what your mistakes were to stay in the guidelines in the future, your videos are able to go back up so that you and YouTube can earn ad revenue again, and it goes from an opaque and unfair process to a mild annoyance.

  • If you have a death of a loved one and is mourning of grieving. Askamortician is a great way to get a lot of information. They are very respectful of the bodies and have a great understanding of the ritual of them crossing over. This is a beautiful thing and I’m glad she is here to share her experiences with us

  • She and The Order of The Good Death has done some phenomenal work. They’ve made me much less afraid of dying and become more prepared for the eventuality instead of putting it off. I want my family to feel they’ve said goodbye in a meaningful manner to us.

    YouTube policies are ridiculous and unevenly enforced.

  • Caitlin Doughty is one of the best people on YouTube, and her work in educating people about death and the funeral industry is invaluable. The fact that YouTube decided to treat her like this is appalling, and I hope this gets straightened out.

    ^bentham’s ^head

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