Am I supposed to laugh when the guy with the gun can’t hear the ambulance siren, takes two steps into the road and gets plowed into like a loony tunes character?
I didn’t like it on a preview disc (they actually gave out a 3″ preview disc with just this on it! I don’t know where mine went) and I didn’t like it in the theatre either.
But I also have very little in common with the sort of zombie fans who came in the wake of this one: my “zombie outbreak plan” was always “find a gun, a bullet, and then shoot myself in the head. fuck that noise.” This one seemed to appeal more (parts of the movie itself notwithstanding) to the Max Brooks *Zombie Survival Guide* crowd. Not my cup o’ tea.
Starring Oscar-winning screenwriter Sarah Polly!
Am I supposed to laugh when the guy with the gun can’t hear the ambulance siren, takes two steps into the road and gets plowed into like a loony tunes character?
come on!! she didn’t have her car door locked!?
I walk through the underpass where they nearly shot that cop every few days! And every time I think of this film.
Zack Snyder’s breakout
For a moment I thought this was Shawn of the dead… and was waiting for a punchline.
I didn’t like it on a preview disc (they actually gave out a 3″ preview disc with just this on it! I don’t know where mine went) and I didn’t like it in the theatre either.
But I also have very little in common with the sort of zombie fans who came in the wake of this one: my “zombie outbreak plan” was always “find a gun, a bullet, and then shoot myself in the head. fuck that noise.” This one seemed to appeal more (parts of the movie itself notwithstanding) to the Max Brooks *Zombie Survival Guide* crowd. Not my cup o’ tea.