David Letterman asking Mr. T about his name in 1982
David Letterman asking Mr. T about his name in 1982 from OldSchoolCool
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David Letterman asking Mr. T about his name in 1982
David Letterman asking Mr. T about his name in 1982 from OldSchoolCool
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Mr. T!…. this man is a national treasure
My favorite Rocky opponent. Clubber Lang.
There’s surprisingly large amount of overlap between his style and Elton John’s
First name: Mr
Middle name: .
Last name: T
Dude was really cool. He demanded respect but in a appropriate kind of way. Just being the person that you have to respect.
Jay-Z did the same thing when Letterman asked him where’d he get his name from. His response was “my mother”
We absolutely loved Mr. T. Still do. We got his whole thing. He’s beloved by GenX. Not even ironically.
Never make fun of another persons name! Your mama gave you that name, or you made it up for business purposes.
no one messes with bad ole b.a. bArackus
I once had a dream where I was held captive in a house at the top of a mountain and viciously beaten/tortured by Mister T for several weeks. He eventually told me that he felt terrible about it and that what happened to me didn’t represent who he really was. It felt real.
The T stands for tough. For the women and children the T stands for tender.
I have known two Black men, from different families, named Mister for exactly the same reason. Their parents made the choice though.
I pity the fool!
If you watch the whole interview, now in hindsight you know it’s a bit and Mr. T was very funny here. Dude was and always has been great.
Mr T scared the crap out of me when I was a kid, but as I grew up I realized he was a really genuine and kind person.
My middle name is period. Damn!
Love him. When I was 4 I named my first dog Mr. D.
Clearly a big fan of Mr. T.
Period ah, period uh.
You can also call him by his last name so it’s like, Mr. T
Laurence Tureaud
I went to middle school with a kid named Mister for exactly the reason Mr. T gave in this interview. His mom wanted everyone who met him to treat him with respect.
Just in case you don’t want to do the google search:
Lawrence Tureaud
There’s a Conan episode somewhere where he asks what the T stands for and Mr. T says, “Titan, terrific, terrifying, whatever I want! Sometimes it stands for things that don’t even start with T! Like nice!”
Pope John Paul the seconds’s real name was Karol Józef Wojtyła — just an FYI.
Mr. T is such a badass and a sweetheart
It was Black Jazz muscians that started calling each other “Man” after being called “Boy” by White Americans. Now that caught on and it’s as ubiquitous as “dude” or “bro”.
From Wikipedia:
>Tureaud next worked as a bouncer […] It was at this time that he created the persona of Mr. T. His wearing of gold neck chains and other jewelry was the result of customers losing the items or leaving them behind at the night club after a fight. A banned customer, or one reluctant to risk a confrontation by going back inside, could return to claim his property from Mr. T wearing it conspicuously right out front.
I can imagine said customer thinking “ehhh, yeah, not going near the guy, he can keep it”, lol
I loved the 80’s and the wave of black empowerment by black celebs in the mainstream, they weren’t afraid to act like white celebs always have (like divas) because their popularity meant you had to deal with them
Saw him on World’s Toughest Bouncer before fame. He was a legend.
There is no other.
Like mother.
So treat her right.
My mom met him way back in the day and has his autograph. She said he was the nicest person she’s ever met. Fuck yeah Mr.!
Mr T. One of few, but at the same time, MANY that helped to show me as a small child that racism is stupid. I was introduced to racism at least 3 years after I was introduced to Mr T. Racism had no chance
“for what reason, I don’t know why”
That was eloquent.
Wow. That racist innuendo…Respecc!
The man is a work of art and a force of nature. Everything about him is a statement. The main reason you’ll never successfully remake The A-Team.
Met and talked with him many times at gym at McClurg Court – Chicago in early 90s. Smart and extremely kind. He parlayed being an unknown bouncer at a Chicago bar into an internationally known figure and seems to have done very well for himself, better than I’ve done. I give him credit and my respect.
That *boy* shyt will send you the dentist…
He’ll always be B. A. Baracus to me. This guy is a legend.
Weird flex that the audience is laughing seeing this is the reason why
*I think about my father being called ‘boy’, my uncle being called ‘boy’, my brother, coming back from Vietnam and being called ‘boy’. So I questioned myself: “What does a black man have to do before he’s given respect as a man?” So when I was 18 years old, when I was old enough to fight and die for my country, old enough to drink, old enough to vote, I said I was old enough to be called a man. I self-ordained myself Mr. T, so the first word out of everybody’s mouth is “Mr.”*
“I’m Mr. T and this is my Night Elf Mohawk!”
Good times.
Laurence Tureaud is his real name. In case you actually wanted to know, and where wading thru the nifty reddit comments to find it.
My Aunt’s friend lived by Mr.T when I was a kid back in the 80s. I always looked to see if he was around when I was walking her dog. One time I saw him on his driveway and I said Hi and talked to him. He was a super nice and friendly guy. I never read anything bad about him over all these years which is great. Much respect to Mr.T!
This is the hardest calling out of racism I’ve ever seen. What a boss.