David Bowie Criticizes MTV for Not Playing Videos by Black Artists (1983)
David Bowie Criticizes MTV for Not Playing Videos by Black Artists (1983) from OldSchoolCool
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David Bowie Criticizes MTV for Not Playing Videos by Black Artists (1983)
David Bowie Criticizes MTV for Not Playing Videos by Black Artists (1983) from OldSchoolCool
View Reddit by iamadamintheAM – View Source
Fortunately they made up for it 20 years later by playing no artists. Now that’s restorative justice.
That dance by Goodman was beautiful. And so was Bowie’s ability to see through it and not validate it.
David Bowie’s expression of indifference, disgust and appall…The stiff stare, stiffer smile and curt, controlled answer and the frustrated, revolted gazing away as if screaming to be removed from the room or have the idiot monke removed from his space. The subtle but electric creasing of his eyes, cheeks and lip. Bowie rejected that guy entirely and wanted to yeet him out of the planet. He was livid. That’s quite an honor to receive for certain. If the idiot didn’t pick up on that that’s one sad human. Oof. Talk about smacking someone with gloves. When they say silence speaks louder than words, the last five seconds of this is what they meant. Ladies and gentlemen, Mr. Bowie showing you a lesson in how to destroy someone without breaking a sweat.
I love it. Called out by a king! He pulled a Frank Sinatra on you, with class.
I remember this. it was awkward.
Poor Mark Goodman. Bowie smoked him.
Somehow David Bowie looks more normal than the guy interviewing him. Did that MTV guy have a perm? It’s like there was a tiny hole in the ozone layer just above that guy’s head from all the hair spray.
We have to do what we think the white people in the rest of America want. We don’t want to scare them with all these black artists.
Is narrowcasting another word for stereotyping in a sense?
I love that David Bowie response to admitting to systemic racism is “thats’s interesting” (with a smirk)
Which translate to ( you just helped prove my point that mtv is being a racist bigot)
Those who have a race problem like i hate blacks or whites or asian really need to wake up, do your history, the asian and white race came from Africa, yes you are all our little brothers and sisters, no matter how much you hate us, we will still love because we know we were once one family, if you have a problem believing this check the history of your own dna … or would you prefer us africans to really separate ourselves from the rest of the world so you can understand our value to the world? … But keep hating us as we keep loving you 😃
Love him
The closeup on Bowie’s face as the interviewer admits the faults of MTV but justifies it as a consequence of slow societal change is so apt. You can see that his smile is devoid of emotion. He knows very well that the guy is full of it, and disgusted that this is the best excuse they had after indirectly admitting of racial disparity of limiting station time for POC artists.
Bowie had many faults, but I can applaud him for auch a principled stance and not being afraid to directly call out such brhavior. It’s a masterpiece of using charisma and charm while getting your point across.
What an idiot
He’s so cornered