Darren Aronofsky explaining how addiction is shown in Requiem for a Dream
View Reddit by monkeylard – View Source
Darren Aronofsky explaining how addiction is shown in Requiem for a Dream
View Reddit by monkeylard – View Source
Oh by the way, I noticed that nobody posted the ***full*** “making of” / “behind the scenes” for this movie, [so I uploaded that too](https://youtu.be/aWW9yV3pz5Q).
The other copies I saw were 25 minutes while this one is the full 35 on the DVD.
I plan on uploading a lot more like this, because its what inspires me the most. [Hearing directors be passionate about their crafts.](https://i.imgur.com/DbUtgfY.jpeg)
If you want a ton of director commentaries, you can go to this Spotify page and view their other uploads:
This hour long Spotify podcast is actually where I got the audio for the video I originally uploaded to reddit.