Why did everyone know that Daniel was into Asian girls? He said he was a walk-in, wouldn’t that mean he came alone? Nobody knew him but like half the crowd yelled “ASIAN!”
First off, I really hope Daniel and Mary exchange phone numbers after the show. And if they do get married, they’d better invite the comedian to the wedding.
When you hear someone say they are single and they are a software engineer and you see an opening. You single women better jump fast. She wins this prize today
Damn, Daniel.
Please, someone corrupt this guy.
But did they get together afterwards? We gotta know!
Everyone just having a good time
Who is this comedian?
Where in Canada is this?
Train engineer is NOT better than software engineer lol
Train engineers have to deal with brutal work schedules, on call, too.
Why did everyone know that Daniel was into Asian girls? He said he was a walk-in, wouldn’t that mean he came alone? Nobody knew him but like half the crowd yelled “ASIAN!”
Pardis please come to Tucson so I can sit in the front row and be the person you match up.
I definitely need to know if this work out, Daniel seems like such a nice dude, nice dudes need a win, please world, please fate, we need this
Pardis, great job navigating this and keeping it light without getting awkward–a difficult path to walk. Bravo!
What’s this comedians name?
First off, I really hope Daniel and Mary exchange phone numbers after the show. And if they do get married, they’d better invite the comedian to the wedding.
You are so damn cool looking
that “i used to work at uber” at the end just really got me
This guy is not the wingman, he is the whole air force
That’s a proper wingman at job
If my man USED to work at Uber, I can only imagine where he’s working now and how much money he’s printing.
*laughs in rich*
Why is Taika Waititi doing stand up ?
Imagine going to a comedy show, thinking you’re about to get roasted, but the host gets you a girlfriend. Insane
“What kind of Asian, where are you from?”
Dude lmao
Damn Daniel
Damn. I need a hype man like that.
This is every nerds dream.
I need this man to help me next lol
Hey man at least he’s quick, the Uber line was a pretty funny response to the train engineer bit. Mary got herself a good one.
That is unfortunately, too pure.
That comedian has the most cut jawline I’ve seen in like 5 months.
Zaddiest comedian ever
When you hear someone say they are single and they are a software engineer and you see an opening. You single women better jump fast. She wins this prize today
Who is this comedian? I love his “aura”
>that’s so much better than a software engineer
Daniel’s bank account disagrees.
And that kids how Indian parents feels after arranging a marriage

The thumbs up after she said Vietnamese
“So, where did you two meet?”
“…I mean you’re not gonna fuckin believe this, but…”
The comedian looked so pleased when she sat down.
u/Pardis are you out here promoting your standup or your matchmaking service?