This tiny man revenge me and everyone else who was mocked by the playful ice cream vendor. July 29, 2022 at 1:00 pm Reply
So does this mean he becomes the ice cream stick man now, Highlander rules? Or maybe he’s unlocked the 32nd flavor! July 29, 2022 at 2:20 pm Reply
Traditionally, the ice cream is yours for free if you catch it like that. July 29, 2022 at 4:14 pm Reply
But didn’t the kid just grab the icecream cone by the icecream? Seems like a pyrrhic victory. July 29, 2022 at 5:04 pm Reply
We took our kid to ride Thomas the Tank when he was four. He just walked up to Sir Topham Hat and does the fake handshake to hair comb psych out. One of my proudest moments July 29, 2022 at 6:39 pm Reply
Just the boost this kid needed to ENSURE that he was a douchebag for the foreseeable future! July 29, 2022 at 7:44 pm Reply
How’d you like them apples ya tease
Ice cream guy was announced dead that night, he was found roasted
This tiny man revenge me and everyone else who was mocked by the playful ice cream vendor.
You know that kid trained for this moment.
Reap the whirlwind!
Instantly the coolest kid in school now.. huge gains
So does this mean he becomes the ice cream stick man now, Highlander rules? Or maybe he’s unlocked the 32nd flavor!
Thats an awful song
Press F to pay respect
What’s the name of this song
Traditionally, the ice cream is yours for free if you catch it like that.
Why is the ice cream stretchy?
In Germany we would say „Hops genommen“ for that.
very smooth
Not gonna mess with me this time
Fucking destroyed.
But didn’t the kid just grab the icecream cone by the icecream? Seems like a pyrrhic victory.
Absolute murder
Vendor guy is still hurt till this day
We took our kid to ride Thomas the Tank when he was four. He just walked up to Sir Topham Hat and does the fake handshake to hair comb psych out. One of my proudest moments
Last time that kid got an icecream from him
Hahaha. Kids not playing games
Boss man
got ‘em (X 2)
Yes! I can’t stand those dudes.
Just the boost this kid needed to ENSURE that he was a douchebag for the foreseeable future!
Kid is already a Chad
Well done, grasshopper. Well done!
I watched like 4 times before I caught he dised him on the 5! 🤣
God that’s cold
In America EVERY kid would do that
This kid is snatching cones like Ben Wyatt