NASA will ask you configuration; how many boosters and how many motors? The titan configuration used recently was 531 so I’d go with a lighter configuration because babies aren’t that hard to get into low earth orbit.
“How can he possibly resist the maddening urge to eradicate history at
the mere push of a single button? The beautiful, shiny button? The
jolly, candy-like button? Will he hold out, folks? Can he hold out?”
Just double check all your o-rings before you send baby on her journey.
Press it but make sure to get it on video.
You can press it ONLY after successful pre-flight.
Make sure check list A and C are completed.
Lol! Can’t wait to find out!
That starts an AT style desktop computer. Dubbed the BRS.
Might have a good ‘ole Pentium 286 chip with a smoking 16 MB RAM making it go.
Oh you thought the seat had a 5-point harness because of your tame city driving? Please
>Be me, 29 year old driver.
>Be driving down the road.
>See baby explode through roof of car.
Wife: “Why is Madison wearing parachute pants… … And a parachute?”
NASA will ask you configuration; how many boosters and how many motors? The titan configuration used recently was 531 so I’d go with a lighter configuration because babies aren’t that hard to get into low earth orbit.
File your flight plan first and you should be good.
*”press to launch baby into orbit”*
Go/no go for launch
My cousin flies for the Air Force. One year he attended an air show and I brought my kids to show them the jet that their “uncle” flies for work.
We got there pretty early and one of the kids asked, “Uncle Such-and-such, can we sit in the plane?”
His response was classic for him, “Sorry boys, the Air Force frowns on having young’uns sit in jets with a functional ejection seat.”
My kids are the type that would have, “Uncle Such-and-such, what does this lever do?” and WOOOOSH!!!
I think it’s for quickly releasing the harness in an emergency.
“How can he possibly resist the maddening urge to eradicate history at
the mere push of a single button? The beautiful, shiny button? The
jolly, candy-like button? Will he hold out, folks? Can he hold out?”
“Do you regret not pulling out? Buy the new kid launcher 9000 for the low low cost of £ and regain your child free freedom”
“It sends you to fucking space honey”
Ejecto seato
Careful, that’s the ejection seat! Press only in open spaces!
Don’t worry, there’s a 10 second countdown.
Ejecto-Seato Baby!!!
The child will be fine! Curiosity will only kill the cat
I had triplets and got a bunch of stuff as hand me downs so nothing really matched. We ended up with 1 high chair that had the same button.
I’ve since told the twins that they should always read instructions before pressing random buttons.
To the 🌙
Don’t press the one labeled “LM SEP”.
Car, Houston you are go for red button press. Proceed to section 4.9 for baby recovery.
Lol. Nothing major, you will be disappointed.
Last time that button was pushed superman was sent to earth.
Make it’s not too cold so the o rings do t get brittle. As long as they’re in tolerance you should be good to go!
If there is anything in this world worth risking a child for, I suspect it’s that button.
Sit your dog in there and hit the button! The Russians did it!
But it was for science honey!
Eject-o seat-o, cuz
Ass pounder 4000 v2 (its always sunny)
Eject. EJECT!
Must press the big red button
Ejecto seato cuz