Craco, Abandoned Medieval Village in Italy
View Reddit by donald_pimental – View Source
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Craco, Abandoned Medieval Village in Italy
View Reddit by donald_pimental – View Source
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Another great photo today which impress me. Feeling medieval ambient and like it.
It’s completely abandoned? I smell a new youtube channel coming “I’m Mary and this is my husband, John, together we purchased an abandoned Italian Village and we are going to refurbish it”. Cue funky music sound track and drone footage
I’m flabbergasted that in Canada, a country with tons of space and few people, we have a housing shortage, and in Italy, a whole town can be abandoned in (presumably) a nice location.
According to [here](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Craco):
> Craco is a ghost town and comune in the province of Matera, in the southern Italian region of Basilicata. It was abandoned towards the end of the 20th century, due to faulty pipe work that was thought to have failed, causing the town to be abandoned due to a land slide. The abandonment has made Craco a tourist attraction and a popular filming location.
The location was used in The Passion of the Christ and Quantum of Solace.
Also, since this isn’t labeled as OC, OP (donald_pimental) is the photographer.
[Here](https://www.google.com/maps/@40.3783467,16.4405117,3a,75y,20.54h,59.56t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1sAF1QipNQzzr5EqvaKfykjHkMKNmB7T8I_bSSC-le4B98!2e10!3e11!6shttps:%2F%2Flh5.googleusercontent.com%2Fp%2FAF1QipNQzzr5EqvaKfykjHkMKNmB7T8I_bSSC-le4B98%3Dw203-h100-k-no-pi0-ya224.49838-ro0-fo100!7i8192!8i4096?entry=ttu) this is via Google Steet View.
any airsoft players have a raging boner seeing this? I do.
Tremendous pic
Pretty sure I climbed on that in assassin’s creed 2.
Seems like there are still people living right outside this frame when looking on google maps.
Highly recommend visiting the city of Matera and checking out the sassi, all about an hour away. It’s a medieval city built into a cavern that was also abandoned in the early 19th century and since has become a pretty otherworldly tourist destination.
Should be restored and used as movie filming place!
Imagine the amount of spiders in this one picture
I’m pretty sure this is where I found the drangleic armor in dark souls 2
Ok so what is stopping a tech company from buying this lot renovating the dilapidated houses, and putting their new business park there? If I was a billionaire that would be the first thing I’d do lol
Storror Safety Team has approved this site.
We drove through the countryside of eastern Sicily recently and came across a number of these ‘ghost’ towns. Was a bit eerie to see but fascinating as well. Beautiful places that could have been prosperous in a different universe.
So this is where Angra Mainyu was born
Ain’t that a kick in the head, in my country we got people livin’ in the streets, and here they got affordable housing in spades
Damn, Shiganshina’s lookin’ kinda rough after the wall fell.