Cops let nagging girl hit her vape one last time
Cops let nagging girl hit her vape one last time
by u/Squidkidny in funny
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Cops let nagging girl hit her vape one last time
Cops let nagging girl hit her vape one last time
by u/Squidkidny in funny
View Reddit by Squidkidny – View Source
The way he held it for her to her mouth has me dying
Hahaha after all that it was dead!!!!
This girls luck ran out just like the battery on her vape
I bet her parents are so proud. Have this [hanging above](https://imgur.com/a/FE85I0t) the fireplace, I’m sure.
i mean what did she do?
To prevent her from what???!!!
I see this crap constantly. Don’t get it. I vape heavy and it’s not what I’d be trying to worry about, face down in cuffs.
People when they breath air instead of their mint watermelon pumpkin spice whatever the fuck flavor
Well she seems nice.
Plot twist: it was DMT
All I wanted was a little corn bread, you mothe fu**ers
What’s that protective helmet supposedly going to protect?
Does anyone else see this as an issue…
It wasn’t even about the nicotine because she does not even inhale it.
This seems like a case of no parental figures.
I think she wants her vape
Little bitch. Should’ve smashed that vape on the road in front of her eyes.
Bah I’m just being mean.
I thought this was a comedy sketch at first. That’s ridiculous. Wait.. is this a sketch?
“My vayyyy-puh!”
This is sad. Clearly she’s dealing with issues other than a nicotine addiction, as this is hysterical behavior. OP said in other comments that she uses meth and there was an incident involving that, so I just hope she can get the help she needs.
Pathetic lmao
Jesus, what y’all puttin in them nowadays?
Bro after all that it was dead 💀💀💀
I’m not addicted! I can stop when I want!
Who knew the easiest way to end the great riots of 2020 was to take away their vapes
Typically, it’s not a great strategy to call someone a mother fucker, while begging them to give you something they don’t HAVE to give you.
“Bro I’m not addicted, I can quit whenever I want!”
me every morning when I wake up. exact same chain of events minus the police.
She’s trash
Cops: gen Z edition!
this is one of them things only white women would do bruh
After watching all these videos, it seems like people who get arrested always yell, scream and swear at the officers. They insult the officers until the officers just can’t stand listening to them anymore and they react violently.
I bet if you could make a way to mute people completely upon arrest it would reduce police violence significantly. Instead of having the person freaking out and fighting at the scene, hit the mute button.
At the same time, it would be about five hot seconds before it was abused by law enforcement….
For anyone interested, here’s the full video. https://youtu.be/cqZVTUdeIXM
I saw this the other day. This happened near the end and I can almost understand why they finally gave in and let her hit the vape.
Two days no vaping! Boom! I feel like this is a sign to stay strong.
The caucasity
Interesting, I just watched this episode along with many others last night. She cried a LOT.
I watched this on Code Blue and she is a piece of crap. Little girl needs to grow up and stop blaming everyone else for her problems.
This is the type of girl who will never understand the privilege she has to be able to whine like that and get what she wants – I was happy to see it was dead.
“iTs FuCkInG dEaD ErH MaH gAwD”
That vape pen being dead is the worst news she’s experienced in the last 4 seconds.
Surprise surprise…..she continued her nagging ways after the failed hit attempt.
So weird…I just watched a random video on YouTube yesterday and it was this girl. Heres the link:
Cops were so freakin patient with that girl. So cringy. I’d hate to be her parent watching that video, wondering where they went wrong.
Stupid teenage marketing with the nic sticks
Ayo let me hit that
Imagine being so addicted to something that it’s more powerful than the potential assault of being taken into custody by the cops. SMH