Comedian Brad Williams admits to raping woman and laughs about it.
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Comedian Brad Williams admits to raping woman and laughs about it.
View Reddit by DangerDeer1986 – View Source
Oooof Brad wtf. This is what happens when you are friends with Carlos Mencia
I had the same reaction as the dude in black.
I thought he was gonna say “after about 15 mins of hooking up,” like kissing or something. But he went straight to sex and I feel like the dude should be prosecuted for that.
Carlos mencia friends try not to be absolute pieces of shit challenge (impossible anyone willingly near carlos mencia is garbage)
I feel like this is made up, if that makes it any better. I don’t care how dark it is, I imagine you can tell the difference between him and Carlos pretty easily
Amazing how i just found about this dude from a video posted earlier. like a few posts up and then i hit this one and yeah…… back to irrelevance for me.
That went awkward fast
Kinda like how Bobby Lee used to share a story about going to Mexico and paying to rape a child. I believe his analogy was he didn’t know exactly how young she was but she looked the same age as Natalie Portman in The Professional, which would make the child he raped 11 or 12. He then would talk about how she was crying so hard she was making snot bubbles so he “power fucked” her harder and everyone would laugh.
EDIT: Here’s a copy of one of the times he told the story and everyone is laughing about his violent rape of a child https://streamable.com/9km9lh
Then make fun of the one guy who is like, “Okay yeah, that’s too far.”
Dude wtf is it with these groupies. You are really that desperate to hookup with Carlos Mencia of all people?
He says he made it up because he didn’t have any crazy story to tell.
I mean it’s a sick and twisted thing to make up, but his public statement is that he made it up.
edit: To clarify at no point do I actually claim to know whether or not he’s telling the truth. hence “public statement” and “he says”. He could be following a little after cosby. If that’s the case I hope the justice system makes short work of him and he does a long time in jail. If he did make the story up then I hope he never belittles rape victims by telling such jokes. Joking about admitting to rape is no small thing.
Always found him to be lacking in wit with a pretty obvious misogynistic streak.
Everyone seems to know who Brad is except for me
Ahh man i still listen to Doug Loves Movies and watched Getting Doug with High back in the day, but I don’t remember seeing this. Even if it is a joke, it’s in very poor taste. Thankfully I don’t recall Doug having him on as a guest any time recently.
I smoke weed every day and find Doug Benson to be insufferable in every way.
I was wondering when this was gonna blow up again, happened forever ago and was just a blip on the internet and he tried to explain it away as a joke he told while high. We’ll see if the story stays the same now that he’ll be confronted with this again
Are people this gullible? Even though Mencia is short, this guy is like half his weight and I doubt the woman wouldn’t notice it immediately. He most likely made up the story on the spot.
I’ve seen this posted several times and I’m no expert but I don’t think it’s a true story. A lot of stories comedians tell are highly exaggerated or outright fiction.
Yeah a person doesnt know the difference of Carlos mencia and a dwarf lol
Any mirror? It’s restricted.
The most shocking part of that video is that someone wanted to have sex with Carlos Mencia.
[Well this aged like fine milk](https://youtu.be/SeQw1ASzG40?t=166)