colorized photo of Her Highness, The Princess of Persia, Fatemeh Khanum
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colorized photo of Her Highness, The Princess of Persia, Fatemeh Khanum
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That was a challenging wank

The dowry will be HUGE, HUGE!
Gives me frank popping out of the couch vibes
She seems…

The back story : https://allthatsinteresting.com/princess-qajar
What a legendary unit of a human.
She looks like she’s great at darts.
“I want to marry a princess!!”
*monkey’s paw curls*
There are many interesting facts about her. She was one of the biggest feminists of her time. She started many movements for women’s literacy. She was also considered the most beautiful woman of her time. If you are wondering why she was considered beautiful by many back then, it’s because of the standards of beauty were different and being overweight meant being rich since the general level of people wasn’t good and they didn’t have access to food like we do today.
The real story behind the viral photo of Iranian Princess Fatemeh Khanum “‘Esmat al-Dowleh- recently a photo of Princess Esmat circulated by claming that “she was considered the ultimate symbol of beauty in Persia during the early 1900s. So much in fact, a total of 13 young men killed themselves because she rejected their love” –
However, u/victoriamartinezwriter wrote ‘The only part of the meme that has a grain of truth to it is that there was indeed a period in Persian history when ‘Esmat’s appearance – namely, her “mustache” – was considered beautiful.’ and that ‘The primary figure in this history is Princess Fatemeh Khanum “‘Esmat al-Dowleh”[1] (1855/6-1905), a daughter of Nasar al-Din Shah Qajar (1831-1896), King of Persia from 1848-1896, and one of his wives, Taj al-Dowleh. The photograph circulating is indeed ‘Esmat, not an actor, and was taken by her husband circa the mid- to late-19th century. This information alone, readily available online and in print, contradicts the claim that ‘Esmat was “the ultimate symbol of beauty… in the early 1900s.” Since the photo of ‘Esmat was taken years before then, and she died in 1905, it’s a stretch to make her an icon of a period she barely graced’
Good thing her hair is covered. Otherwise I might have lustful thoughts.
Your move Disney
Married when she was 10 years old, Taj al-Saltaneh went on to divorce two husbands and pen her memoirs,
Crowning Anguish: Memoirs of a Persian Princess from the Harem to Modernity.
“Alas!” she wrote. “Persian women have been set aside from humankind and placed together with cattle and beasts.
They live their entire lives of desperation in prison, crushed under the weight of bitter ideals.”
At another point, she wrote: “When the day comes that I see my sex emancipated and my country on the path to progress, I will sacrifice myself in the battlefield of liberty, and freely shed my blood under the feet of my freedom-loving cohorts seeking their rights.”
Gimli: It’s true you don’t see many dwarf women. And in fact, they are so alike in voice and appearance, that they are often mistaken for dwarf men. Aragorn: It’s the beards
She probably had PCOS.
Anybody finishing a puzzle, because I just found a hot piece.
I’m officially over the Prince of Persia games, I demand the Princess of Persia origin story game.
One of the most informative articles with additional pictures are here:
I personally think it’s really cool that she was a princess and also a power lifter
I kind of dig the skirt fabric. It’s pretty!