Thursday, October 24All That Matters

College Football Has A MASSIVE Commercial Problem

College Football Has A MASSIVE Commercial Problem

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  • TEG24601

    Commercial during sports is ridiculous in the US. They keep complaining about Baseball being too long, but Football, even NFL games are longer than MLB games used to be. CFB and NFL need to do like MLB and MLS, and have set points where commercials are put in, where it is appropriate. I can’t stand watching football because of the commercials.

  • Lazerdude

    It’s maddening. I rarely watch TV anymore. Pretty much just Formula 1 and College Football.

    Formula 1 is such a breath of fresh air because there are exactly ZERO commercials before the start of the race until after the race is finished.

    I wanted to gouge my eyes out after watching a full day of football last Saturday. The absurd amount of commercial breaks makes the product LESS attractive, not more.

  • Whiskeydiary

    I was able to illuminate this issue. Home games, I have season tickets, away games, I use alcohol, the more I drink the less fux I give about commercials.

  • MAMark1

    European sports, like soccer and rugby, are basically a 2 hour commitment. American sports, especially football, are easily getting up towards 3.5 hours at this point. It’s insane, and I think it is absolutely going to lead to the decline in football viewership after this long period of it being massively supported.

  • elfy4eva

    My first time watching TV (nevermind sports game) in the US was jaw dropping. It’s the frequency of the ad breaks and content of many of them (particularly pharmaceutical) are almost satirically capitalistic bordering on dystopian.

  • Lemon86st

    I don’t know why anyone has a problem with commercials. I just pause the game on my DVR, or record it. Do something else for 20 minutes and fast forward through anything I don’t want to see. Problem solved. I watch hundreds of hours of sports every week and never watch a single ad.

  • Enkaybee

    I crusade against advertising in all its forms every single chance I get. Television in general has a commercial problem and it is well beyond saving. Stop wasting your time on it.

    Everything on TV, except sports, can be watched online, without advertising of any kind, and for free if you’re looking for that.

    For those of you interested, here’s a starter pack:

    1) Install uBlock Origin on your browser [Chrome](, [Firefox](

    2) Install SponsorBlock on your browser [Chrome](, [Firefox](

    You can stream any TV show or movie for free [here]( and those two addons you just installed will block all ads (including the baked-in sponsorships) on YouTube as well as all ads elsewhere on the internet, with the exception of Twitch – there’s no good adblocker for that currently (please tell me if I’m wrong).

  • Ohhellnowhatsupdawg

    Americans have such a slavish devotion to football that I don’t believe this will change. The MLB made rule changes to shorten games, but they already had a massive issue with declining popularity and an aging audience. Football has no similar issue, therefore has no incentive to improve the product.

  • cheddarfire

    Our household migrated to US and European soccer about five years ago, and we haven’t looked back.


    First half kickoff. 45-50 minutes of gameplay.

    Halftime, half an hour of ads/analysis.

    Second half kickoff. 45-50 minutes of gameplay.

    You want fewer commercials? Stop watching it live. The dollars will go where the eyeballs go.

  • pumpjockey

    Based on what I’ve seen of sports fans treatment by the videogame industry it doesn’t matter. Sports fans are a cash cow, devoted, ride or die; hell the youtuber said it in the video. You can abuse them in any way you want they will never stop tuning in to see their team. Insanely priced merch? Check! Insanely priced tickets? Check! A stadium covered in ads and special stoppage of game for more ads for the folks at home?! Par for the course my man. They. Will. Pay. It.

  • luvgothbitches

    Never enjoyed watching football because when i start to get invested in the game they cut to commercials. Edging me for four hours is only fun when you’re a high school freshman who took a date to go see titanic.

  • AsteroidMike

    Raise your hand if you’re a big of fan of watching a big play, commercial break, back to the game for 3 plays, another commercial break, then back for another play, another commercial break, then timeout and commercial break. All in the span of 10 minutes.

  • ScribblesandPuke

    They somehow made it even worse this year even with a new rule made to speed the game up. Because the clock no longer stops on a 1st down, there are less possessions per half so now the change of possession takes way longer simply because they need to fill more commercials in.

    The rugby world cup started tonight. No ad breaks til halftime, so you can easily avoid all of them.

  • KwamesCorner

    What I don’t understand is how effective is this marketing really and why is it just being invested in more and more it seems!?

    I fucking hate all these companies, state farm progressive geico I have seen so many damn commercials I wanna burn their business to the ground before I wanna join them. I can’t be the only one. So why the heavy investment in this TV time year after year after year, is the data on subconscious marketing really that predicative? It seems like after a certain point the viewer no longer associated anything positive with your brand so why the continued investment?

  • mattress757

    Watch soccer, a sport that evolved before tv ads were really a thing.

    Football, baseball, hockey and basketball all have hallmarks of “make room for ad breaks” in their design.

  • Reacharoundsally

    It’s not just sports! Everything has 50 million commercial breaks. It’s so annoying if I want your product I will seek you out I don’t need to be bombarded by a commercial every two minutes.

  • allisonmaybe

    I don’t watch TV anymore except for the hours and hours of Argentinian YouTube Premium and bittorrent TV and movies. I don’t think I’ve seen a commercial in over a year.

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