CNBC reports Musk searched for replacement even before Twitter poll. (Projected in San Francisco)
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CNBC reports Musk searched for replacement even before Twitter poll. (Projected in San Francisco)
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Yeah, no shit. The Saudis bitch slapped him before the poll came out.
He accomplished what he set out to do – ban the account of the kid that was using public domain information to post his jet’s location.
Again, data you and I already have access to.
“Free speech absolutist” my ass. Thin skinned narcissist is more like it.
I like seeing so many ppl salty thats what I appreciates about reddit these days
I’m sure we haven’t heard the last from Elon Musk (Donny Trump Jr.) Narcissists just can’t shut their mouths.
Of cours he was. He was ordered by investors to step down for creating anshitsho but didn’t want to admit it
Rats do tend to be that way
[Here](https://mobile.twitter.com/Gia_Vang/status/1605273792321708032?cxt=HHwWgICj6cmAiscsAAAA) is the source of this image. Per there:
> @Gia_Vang
> Last night, projection activist Alan Marling was back a day after Elon Musk tweeted a poll about stepping down as the head of Twitter.
> 1:47 PM · Dec 20, 2022
No shit, he literally said that when he first took over, he was a stop gap till OPEC picked the next CEO.
I switched to Mastodon, so love watching twitter fall apart. Actually, it’s tragic for the users because it’s a useful overall platform, but that’s probably what billionaires like Elon intended for it to crush social movements.
No shit
Of course he did. If I was Elon Musk and thought like Elon Musk, I’d do everything I could to make stepping down look like a success. (e.g. asking the internet if they wanted him to step down.) It’s plausible deniability to say he was just listening to the people.
Hahaha not much fleeing to be done when you OWN THE COMPANY. Proof that having a projector doesn’t make you a revolutionary.
As you downvote me keep in mind this comment doesn’t say one good word about the guy.
Other title: I projected this on the side of the building.
Sink it. Sink it all.
“They are now trying to colonize every minute of your life, that is what these people are trying to do. Every single free moment you have is a moment you could be looking at your phone, and they could be gathering information to target ads at you. That’s what’s happening.” – Bo Burnham.
Why do people even care about Twitter?
I’ll do it. Can’t do a worse job than him
Twitter was already a sinking ship he just sped that sinking up. Twitter was a stupid purchase because Twitter was already garbage and no amount of effort would have fixed it.
Well rats flee a sinking ship. The Muskrat gonna do the same
Lol. The ship had a hole before he(Musk)bought it.
is that a walking potted plant in front?
Why do they always project this on the side of the building instead of the front? Those floors aren’t even Twitter offices.
I hope he buys all social media and destroys them all.
Shocked pikachu face
Duh. He knew he didn’t want the job. He did the poll to screw around. And by the way, how did he sink the ship….
No man it’s just right there