You gave the worst example. GFN or Shadow would be a lot better. Stadia flopped at launch and it is really bad rn. While GFN is receiving a lot of good games, like God of War, Lost Ark and Star Wars games.
whats to be scared of? id absolutely engage in sonys ps3 streaming thing if it were available in my country. as for stadia, that was pretty much dead on arrival so regardless where you think the future is heading that isn’t a good example to support what you are saying.
They’re not scared of it; they’d just rather play the game properly without having to upgrade their whole console just for a LAN port and pay $100/mo for sufficient bandwidth.
I usually play on PC but once every few months I like to play from my couch on my tv for about a week. Used to have a PS4 for this, but with cloud gaming you don’t have updates and you can play instantly. And you don’t have the cost of a new console that you barely use.
Get back to me when the internet infrastructure makes cloud gaming actually viable to anyone but the top 0.5% of people speed wise. Shit isn’t viable and won’t be for a long, LONG time.
As a student who goes home every couple of weeks, GFN has been an absolute blessing to log an hour or two of gaming when I feel like it without having to buy another expensive system or haul my PC around!
I’m not scared of cloud gaming, but I have a gaming PC and really have no reason to add extra lag to my gameplay. Seems like it could be good for people with crappy PCs or tablets if they’re playing something not too reflex dependent, though.
The sad thing is google literally canned their own gaming studios before they could bring out any real exclusives to the platform. Not to mention their executives were saying that internet companies would wave internet caps for their technology. These guys just failed in a multitude of ways and added another project to the list of killed by google. Anyone who didn’t get stadia for free wasted money.
As this “who’s got the best cloud gaming service” debate rages in the comics, friendly reminder that you’ll get better graphics every time if you host your own “cloud” games with steam remote play.
Playing red dead 2 at Max settings on my phone from my own computer 90 miles away is sweet
Cloud gaming is anti consumer.
Lad you are literally damaging the games industry by fanboying over cloud services.
Cloud services exist to create walled gardens and lock in consumers, they are NOT intended to benefit the end user.
You need to go learn some technical background on how gaming works before you start spouting ill-informed nonsense
Sorry don’t believe in ghosts
Oh look the one remaining Stadia customer is back.
pretty sure stadia failed hard as fuck
Input lag makes games unplayable fight me irl
You gave the worst example. GFN or Shadow would be a lot better. Stadia flopped at launch and it is really bad rn. While GFN is receiving a lot of good games, like God of War, Lost Ark and Star Wars games.
whats to be scared of? id absolutely engage in sonys ps3 streaming thing if it were available in my country. as for stadia, that was pretty much dead on arrival so regardless where you think the future is heading that isn’t a good example to support what you are saying.
Does stadia still exist?
I’m fine with cloud gaming until it becomes the only option
Clown gaming 🤡
This is only a joke pls don’t send where I live and my ip address
Stadia is dogshit
They’re not scared of it; they’d just rather play the game properly without having to upgrade their whole console just for a LAN port and pay $100/mo for sufficient bandwidth.
I love how bizarrely bad this astroturfed meme is.
Gaming isn’t scared of cloud gaming, they just don’t care about it.
Until some fucking weirdo working at Stadia tries to force a conversation about it.
Well I’ve heard of karma farming, but this post seems like a great way to farm downvotes.
Why would I be scared of something that’s dead?
Woohoo more DRM
Enjoy your inherent input delay
Check this man’s post history.
I mean I’m kinda afraid it will ruin console gaming the way freemium games ruined phone gaming.
Stadia would have been nice to use on my vacation. I could have played Cyberpunk but Stadia didn’t let me because I was in Costa Rica.
I actually like stadia but that pissed me off.
I have not tried cloud gaming yet, but as a budget pc gamer, current gpu situation definitely makes it look more attractive.
I usually play on PC but once every few months I like to play from my couch on my tv for about a week. Used to have a PS4 for this, but with cloud gaming you don’t have updates and you can play instantly. And you don’t have the cost of a new console that you barely use.
Get back to me when the internet infrastructure makes cloud gaming actually viable to anyone but the top 0.5% of people speed wise. Shit isn’t viable and won’t be for a long, LONG time.
nice try google intern
As a student who goes home every couple of weeks, GFN has been an absolute blessing to log an hour or two of gaming when I feel like it without having to buy another expensive system or haul my PC around!
I’m not scared of cloud gaming, but I have a gaming PC and really have no reason to add extra lag to my gameplay. Seems like it could be good for people with crappy PCs or tablets if they’re playing something not too reflex dependent, though.
The sad thing is google literally canned their own gaming studios before they could bring out any real exclusives to the platform. Not to mention their executives were saying that internet companies would wave internet caps for their technology. These guys just failed in a multitude of ways and added another project to the list of killed by google. Anyone who didn’t get stadia for free wasted money.
Waiting for someone to do it right.. I will probably be the first one to jump abord… My cappy PC isn’t going to keep up for much longer
As this “who’s got the best cloud gaming service” debate rages in the comics, friendly reminder that you’ll get better graphics every time if you host your own “cloud” games with steam remote play.
Playing red dead 2 at Max settings on my phone from my own computer 90 miles away is sweet
It’s like saying people that only play Sims aren’t gamers like seriously stfu
I actually use Geforce now a lot because of my shit laptop
What a terrible Reddit bot. Try harder next time, ShillBot
Stadia is just objectively shit.
Lol. OP is super bitter that this sub doesn’t like the Stadia. Like every one of his posts is about it. A man without a home. Stay strong OP.
You are even a member of the stadia sub lmao. Stadia is dead so maybe you are the one afraid?
I would rather play on my console connected to my TV than a console miles away through the internet.
I’m not scared, I’m disgusted by it
Yeah apart from the fact that it doesn’t work it’s great…
Stadia it’s a shit cloud gaming “plattform”
[You]( [talking]( [about]( [this]( [one?](
Cloud gaming is anti consumer.
Lad you are literally damaging the games industry by fanboying over cloud services.
Cloud services exist to create walled gardens and lock in consumers, they are NOT intended to benefit the end user.
You need to go learn some technical background on how gaming works before you start spouting ill-informed nonsense
Why would we be scared of some thing that has failed so conclusively?
it just sucks ass. i saw someone who had gigabit conenction and it still said it was too slow
NGL I’m a little scared of cloud gaming.
I don’t like the idea that we’d lose hardware ownership if the whole industry tries to move to an entirely streaming based model.
Does Stadia still exist?