March 14, 2023 by TitleAggravating3078 [ad_1] Close enough? [ad_2] View Reddit by TitleAggravating3078 – View Source
It’s actually impressive that the delivery driver was able to find the house at all since it has been buried under snow. March 14, 2023 at 10:14 am Reply
I mean, if that is the top edge of the mailbox 📫, yeah close enough. March 14, 2023 at 10:35 am Reply
I never get home delivery from Amazon anymore, it’s going to a locker or I won’t order it. Live in a row home where every street has same house numbers by block. I got sick of calling Amazon explaining the delivery picture is not my porch. March 14, 2023 at 11:42 am Reply
A couple months ago FedEx delivered a terrarium in the middle of my road in front of my house. Pic and all. I couldn’t believe it. March 15, 2023 at 12:59 am Reply
Brought to you by amazon Ninja, how would you rate you delivery? Would you like to thank your driver? March 15, 2023 at 5:44 am Reply
It’s actually impressive that the delivery driver was able to find the house at all since it has been buried under snow.
I mean, if that is the top edge of the mailbox 📫, yeah close enough.
Don’t see ant problems with it
It was great.
I never get home delivery from Amazon anymore, it’s going to a locker or I won’t order it. Live in a row home where every street has same house numbers by block. I got sick of calling Amazon explaining the delivery picture is not my porch.
Seems to be on point.
It’s just chilling there
A couple months ago FedEx delivered a terrarium in the middle of my road in front of my house. Pic and all. I couldn’t believe it.
Brought to you by amazon Ninja, how would you rate you delivery? Would you like to thank your driver?