Clockwise from left: Willie Nelson, Lionel Richie, Tina Turner, Bruce Springsteen, Bob Dylan, Michael Jackson, and Cyndi Lauper in Los Angeles on Jan. 28, 1985. From Harry Benson: Persons of Interest by Harry Benson, published by powerHouse Books
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We didn’t know how good we had it!
Bob Dylan keeps his happiness inside lol
Cyndi Lauper is the fraud amongst this group.
Back then who would have guessed that Willie would outlive them all?
Bob Dyln having to be there is my mood every day
Wlile looks weird with non-gray hair.
Bruce Springsteen is the only artist in this picture I am insanely MEH about. Is anybody else on this boat…. I feel everyone and their moms love the boss.
Dylan is not looking at hte camera.. He is lookng into the souls of the cameraman’s ancestors.
You must own a weird clock.
Lots of talent there… and Lionel Ritchie
I got to work on this video! It was fun!
Andy Samberg could definitely play the Boss in a Springsteen biopic.
Bob Dylan looks life he’s deep in thought.
I’mma tell my kids these were WWF Wrestlers
I thought Springsteen was Andrew Dice Clay at first.
Thats a lot of money sitting in one spot. Wonder how many records/ CDs etc they all sold…
We Are the World
It’s amazing how often I forget Michael is black.
Damn that makes me feel old.
I assume this picture taken during the recording of We Are the World as it was recorded the same day this picture was taken.
John Denver was the biggest snub in charity history not being included.
Idk if it was my skim/glance the glance at the name Harry Benson and read Hinson or…do they all look like they like people versions of Muppets?
Dylan is the richest out of all of them. I don’t know why that makes me happy. But it really does.