Cleaning out drawers and found this classic childhood gem
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Cleaning out drawers and found this classic childhood gem
View Reddit by dontbetouchy – View Source
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Careful, it may still have cholera.
You have died of dysentery.
“You died of dysentery.”
Comanches… lots and lots of Comanches…
Empire of the Summer Moon
This post gave me dysentery.
Truly the dark souls of elementary school computer lab games.
You purchase a tin of gunpowder. Your wagon sinks in the river. Your sister dies of cholera. Good times…
Looks like you tried to ford the river and your oxen drown. You lost two days
Gawsh, I played this for the first time on the Apple IIe and that wasn’t even the oldest version of it. Pity they stopped remaking it, *The Oregon Trail* was a mainstay of educational video games for close to twenty years.
Wow. Never saw it on CD.
Meat wasting simulator 1990
Ford the river
10 to Adult. Geez, this game would be rated E for everybody these days.
My 5th grade daughter was introduced to this recently at school. The whole class is OBSESSED!
“Organ Trail” is a must-play remake of this game if you’re into indie games (play with SOUND ON for the real nostalgia vibes)
Be nice to Terry… He doesn’t like getting dissed!
They have this and thousand of others at classicreload.com
You can play online for free. Just Google “Oregon trail free.” I introduced my teen daughter to it about a year ago. She really enjoyed it.
And of course there’s an AOL trial on the CD.
If you aren’t gonna use that AOL free trial, can you pm me the details?!
On behalf of Minnesota and MECC, you’re welcome.
You shot 2000 lbs of meat, you carry back 80 lbs.
Ah man! I have this same exact one! I wonder if that AOL offer is still valid haha
Needs to be a floppy disk to be truly OG. sorry mate.
In 1988 we bought an Apple IIGS as a family present. No hard drive, they said it wasn’t really necessary, just 3 1/2” and 5 1/4” drives.
We bought Oregon Trail. Our oldest daughter was in fifth grade and she LOVED it! She got almost to the end and our nine year old son did something that ERASED THE DISC with her saved game! It was truly catastrophic for her. We would have bought a new game, but that wouldn’t have brought back the lost game. She never wanted to play it again.
I don’t know if our son really meant to irrevocably put his sister’s game in the trash, though even back then he was pretty computer savvy so I think he knew what he was doing. Once they were out of their teens they became close. He has rescued her many times, including getting her a new laptop when she put the old one on her roof and accidentally drove off with it there. So I suppose he has redeemed himself. I wouldn’t want to remind her of Oregon Trail, though!
I totally forgot about the AOL free trials that came with, like, everything
Oddly enough, the people at r/personofinterest might enjoy this.
Root managed to make the whole trip in minutes…
I used to play with my 2 girls. I would always die and they would laugh like crazy. I think we still have it. Now that they are adults maybe we should give it a go.
I can remember playing this in the 5th grade, while also watching the “big” kid dexter beat the shit out of some other kid slinging him up against the backpack rack…. I later died from a snake bite. Those were the days!
Pretty sure this is a knockoff.
Spend all of your cash on ammo
Hunting was boss! And the river crossing.
I was at the Grand Canyon IRL a few months ago and thought how pissed I’d have been to realize I’ve got to cross this massive hole
OG’s played that shit on Floppy’s using an Apple IIgs. That was my first journeys across the trail
Here lies ASS