Civil Air Patrol student pilot, Silver Lake airfield near Baker, California, 1944. Colorized.
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Civil Air Patrol student pilot, Silver Lake airfield near Baker, California, 1944. Colorized.
View Reddit by ectheow3 – View Source
Amazing style of the time. This lady was probably 19 and she looks 40
That dame has gams
Hot metal, bare flesh – not sure she’ll be on there for very long.
Grandma was fine
Fun fact: You can see the registration number on the tail of the plane in a wider shot from the same set, and the plane, a Meyers OTW, was still around as of 2015.
I can’t link to them directly because the spam filter in this sub deletes comments with external links, but the following incomplete links, which can be copied and pasted to your browser, go to the wider shot and a 2015 youtube video of the plane:
They don’t make CAP uniforms like that nowadays!
Katharine Hepburn lookalike.
Thicc thighs save lives
One of my MIL’s high school friends became a pilot during WWII. She flew military supplies across the Atlantic.
No wonder pants were law until 1957.
That’s fuckin cool
Ok but her ensemble is super cute! The turban is picking up the stripes in her top and the espadrilles are echoing the color scheme as well! Love it!
That plane maybe too late for that to be Amelia.
“Classy Chassis”…
This photo was taken almost 80 years ago. The young woman was likely born about 100 years ago. Yet, that photo communicates her beauty so clearly. Our human lives are so pitifully short.
Looks like she enjoys cowgirling as a hobby
That’s someone’s GamGam ….
I would fly it…
I prefer my roast beef rare
I wish they could be California girrrrrrrls…
Jet Girl!
Booty IS Colorized
Is that not a very short skirt for 1940?
Wowsers I bet she brought all the boys to the Yard
She was gorgeous
Wedding ring suggests this is not a HS girl, even then (spoiler alert: she’s not a HS girl, despite post title)
Seriously thirsty comments.
Is that a cellphone in her bag?