Citadel: Diana | Post Credits Teaser | The Next Series in The Citadel Spyverse
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Citadel: Diana | Post Credits Teaser | The Next Series in The Citadel Spyverse
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This must mean the producers of this show are really confident in their AI’s script writing capabilities.
Salke fretting uncontrollably
I read part of a review for Citadel that said “this is an action show in search of a plot” and in the 1st couple of episodes, I thought they were crazy. Plot was clear.
I bailed after ep 4 after I said out loud “I have no idea what the plot is anymore” 🙂
The Amazon’s Citadel Spyverse Universe, or the AMCSU if you will.
I loved it . I think I loved it almost unconditionally. I don’t watch a lot of TV. **I really don’t! You can ask my family! I’ll give you their addresses! They’re all in federal prisons but they’ll tell you – I DON’T WATCH MUCH TV!** But I loved The Citadel and I don’t give a rat’s axs about Diana.
Do you hear me, Russo Brothers? I DO NOT GIVE A RAT’S BUTTOCKS ABOUT DIANA . I just want to see Richard Madden and Priyanka Chopra Jonas and Richard Madden and Stanley Tucci doing – anything, except getting tortured. I hate that.
But shooting and/or killing other actors- that was great. Chopra-Jonas and Madden are so graceful and tough and so easy on the eye and believable as people who can gouge your eyes out while dressed in haute couture- I love that!
And I love it when Mason looks at Nadia and his eyes well up – it’s so good! I believe Madden is gay IRL, but who gives a flying f*ck? I don’t. Their bedroom scenes – because they’re not really sex scenes are they- are very sexy- and when he pulls down the back of her dress – the red one or the green one – jeezes.
Just don’t torture Stanley again, please. And don’t torture Mason or Nadia or their children . The rest – eh!
And please don’t cr*p up season 2 because you’re concentrating on the Diana spinoff and the Freddie Scambalogne spin off
and the Antigone Rosenthal spin off and desert your first family. Chris Carter did that with __The X-Files__ and that didn’t turn out well for anyone. Except probably Chris Carter’s off- shore bank account, but I’m just speculating.
What is it with shows getting spin offs/sequels while they are still ongoing? I never really understood that.