Thursday, October 10All That Matters

Christmas Shopping in the 90s

Christmas Shopping in the 90s

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  • MakingItElsewhere

    Not crowded enough. Need to show the week before Christmas.

    I worked at Service Merchandise from late 1998 to late 1999, in the electronics section. If you’re not familiar, Service Merchandise was another department store exactly like JCPenny, Sears, Montgomery Ward, etc.

    During the week before Christmas, our Electronics counter was 3 rows of people pressing against the counter trying to get merchandise we kept behind the counter (smaller things like wireless phones, camera equipment, or electric razors). It was a mad house. Think New York stock exchange with people waving, shoving, etc. They’d ask if we had something in the back, since the shelf where it had been is empty. “I’ll check” was code for “I know we’re out, but I need a break for 2 minutes to go ‘look'”.

  • JackFisherBooks

    I remember the 90s. And I remember what Christmas shopping was like.

    Honestly, I don’t miss it. Parking lots were always full. People were assholes when they had to stay in line for so long. And stores often ran out of the stuff you wanted. Say what you will about online shopping today. It exists for a reason. The old method of holiday shopping sucked.

  • Spork_Warrior

    I always liked malls, but I remember when they grew, they killed a lot of small downtown businesses. Then the Internet came along and decimated the malls.

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