Charlie Day shows his acting range in It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia
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Charlie Day shows his acting range in It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia
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Charlies reaction when Dennis interrupts him always gets me
He saw Jaws, anyway
In all seriousness that last episode in Ireland he actually killed it, genuinely heartbreaking.
I’ve not watched this episode but I’ve seen this clip. The lawyer/policeman’s reaction always fucking cracks me up. He’s so completely baffled and done with this shit
The fact that they got Del Toro to play such a bonkers role will never not be amazing and hilarious to me.
Fun Fact: Pappy McPoyle is played by Guillermo del Toro
Glenn Howerton is definitely the best actor on the show
never thought i’d see ‘charlie day’ and ‘acting range’ in the same sentence. dude plays the exact same character in every single show or movie he’s ever been in
For anyone wondering, that speech in jaws is about the sinking of the USS Indianapolis. The accounts from the survivors are pretty horrifying. Over 500 men died from exposure and shark attack.