That face is a mixture between “Can I be player 2?” and “Seriously? This is where you’re replacing my cuddle time with?”. It’s too complex to tell lol!
Fun cat fact! Nintendo Switch controllers slide across tile flooring really easily and interchangeable with any old cheap cat toy! Also you can reflect light on the screen like a laser pointer! SO MANY FEATURES O_O
Funny cat
That’s my pets name too! She’s a tall brown Chihuahua tho lol
That face is a mixture between “Can I be player 2?” and “Seriously? This is where you’re replacing my cuddle time with?”. It’s too complex to tell lol!
Fun cat fact! Nintendo Switch controllers slide across tile flooring really easily and interchangeable with any old cheap cat toy! Also you can reflect light on the screen like a laser pointer! SO MANY FEATURES O_O
That cat looks like you caught them before they could knock your switch off of the tv stand.
No way you named it chalupa
Chalupa will kick yo ass at Mario Kart.
Well, not really, but he’ll prolly enjoy watching the cars onscreen.
That cat looks like the cat from that totally epic and not cringe meme commercial from Truth (the anti smoking organization)
What the hell is wrong with your tv
Yo! I got the peanut butter jelly controllers, too!
When I bought my Switch I got one controller for each favorite color in my family.
Oh god I know that look, don’t you dare!
Chalupa is a dish in Mexico lol
Fun fact: chalupa (txalupa) in Euskera menas boat
no. hes about to knock it off. and thats why i fucking hate cats.
Cat look like he seen some stuff
My cats name is crunch wrap
Too cute!
Zalupa would be better
more like push that glowy thing to the ground when you are not around….gl.
Make no mistake…
it’s actually…
hmm Chalupa looks more ready to knock over that switch mid game then scratch up the side of the couch
Our cat loves watching us game. I think it’s due to quick motion and silly noises.
Is the cat’s breed a Scottish Fold?
Is his brother burrito?
It looks like he has a put on a bow tie for the moment.