While watching a beat battle on YouTube by Spell316, I heard his beat and was instantly a fan of his. The only problem is that he’s not even known. You can hear the soul he poured into the bass and synth of this particular song. Only 245 followers on SoundCloud and 9 on Spotify, its honestly beyond amazing to me how good he is and no one knows who he is. The rest of his discography is on SoundCloud. https://soundcloud.app.goo.gl/S84ev
While watching a beat battle on YouTube by Spell316, I heard his beat and was instantly a fan of his. The only problem is that he’s not even known. You can hear the soul he poured into the bass and synth of this particular song. Only 245 followers on SoundCloud and 9 on Spotify, its honestly beyond amazing to me how good he is and no one knows who he is. The rest of his discography is on SoundCloud. https://soundcloud.app.goo.gl/S84ev