I originally never liked Adam Driver since I thought Kyle Ren was not a convincing or interesting character, but every time he’s been on SNL he’s been fantastic.
If someone had bet me to guess which show would include the line “I filled her belly with my festering seed”, I don’t know what I would have chosen but it wouldn’t have been SNL.
“I was born seven months too early. Incubation technology was still in its infancy. I was placed in a cast iron pot inside a pizza oven until I was ripe enough to walk. My bones never hardened but my spirit did.”
There’s a reason pistol Pete can’t keep his composure, this brilliant piece!
Why are these popping up under the “news” tab? What news is this? (As in Home, Popular, News- this shows up under News with the politics and current events and foreign affairs… literally just random comedy skits…. Why)
I originally never liked Adam Driver since I thought Kyle Ren was not a convincing or interesting character, but every time he’s been on SNL he’s been fantastic.
“Look at me boy”
Now, what does an oil baron do?
This one breaks me every time.
“This dead bird” …even deader by the end
He couldn’t have stabbed that bird any better if he had tried. Just a perfect take.
I love it when serious actors do comedy. Another good example is Liam Neeson: https://youtu.be/huJ81Mq2y34?feature=shared
“I married your granddaughter!!!”
Great sketch!
If someone had bet me to guess which show would include the line “I filled her belly with my festering seed”, I don’t know what I would have chosen but it wouldn’t have been SNL.
Who is H.R. Pickens?
“My bones never hardened, but my spirit did!”
Love when the cast cracks
“I was born seven months too early. Incubation technology was still in its infancy. I was placed in a cast iron pot inside a pizza oven until I was ripe enough to walk. My bones never hardened but my spirit did.”
There’s a reason pistol Pete can’t keep his composure, this brilliant piece!
It’s like they try to not be funny.
This is my favorite SNL skit of all time. I’ve watched pretty religiously from season 36ish forward and nothing beats this standalone skit for me.
this skit is an all timer
Every time Adam is on SNL, he goes 110% on the commitment.
Such a great sketch. Adam Driver killed it in every sketch this episode.
Why are these popping up under the “news” tab? What news is this? (As in Home, Popular, News- this shows up under News with the politics and current events and foreign affairs… literally just random comedy skits…. Why)
I love it when they break character… it humanizes the whole experience
Wow the oil business seems a lot more fun than I would have imagined