And it will be the same bugs that’s plagued the old engine since the beginning. Then they’ll get kudos from the fanboys for being so quick with the weekly patches to fix the problems they’ve done countless times now
I would like to optimistic on this being the reason they delayed the game in the first place. I definitely want to jump from a Series S to a X once it’s out though.
They already killed my hype anyway. I was 100% with it until he said there was 1000+ planets. All I heard was ” we have 1000+ empty procedurally generated wastelands with generic “another settlement needs your help” quests all over the place.
If it wasn’t coming to gamepass I probably wouldn’t get it at this point.
Honestly, more worried about Diablo IV. The way they kept saying things that came down to “you will like this, right?!”, makes you think that there are still some very serious issues that they are aware of but are pushing the game to release regardless….
That was like one of the best part of skyrim. The fucking random interaction in skyrim made like the best content on youtube back when it was released.
Bugs will be half the fun and it will give the modders a reason to learn the game cause we all know they are the ones that will fully fix it in the end
Day 1 bug chan better hope Howard senpai will come to the rescue.
I am finally going to upgrade my 360 and buy a new Xbox, the game looks really nice and I am looking forward to playing this
Hopefully it won’t be that buggy
Shouldn’t this be the other way round? Or has my brain just been auto-correcting this meme in my head every time I see it?
Like Bethesda fans ever cared about bugs
And it will be the same bugs that’s plagued the old engine since the beginning. Then they’ll get kudos from the fanboys for being so quick with the weekly patches to fix the problems they’ve done countless times now
The labels are backwards..?
Don’t worry. A month or two after release there will be an unofficial patch mod to fix all the things God Howard couldn’t be bothered with.
Day 1? More like a year 1.
I would like to optimistic on this being the reason they delayed the game in the first place. I definitely want to jump from a Series S to a X once it’s out though.
Does anyone in this world still hope that there is no bug in a Bethesda game? Bug is already considered the brand of the company.
It’s Bethesda. Those are features.
Honestly I take every new Bethesda game with a grain of salt until it launches. It’s why I’m worried about Elder Scrolls 6 once that comes out.
Bugs or features?
I’m not worried about bugs. I’m worried that it will be boring af. What they showed was pretty bad imo
It’s a Bethesda game. If it doesn’t have bugs on launch, I’ll have to go to a therapist and take meds for dementia
100% backwards meme.
Il just wait til it’s on nexus mods
There is no game ever that do t have dugs even your favorite game has them 🤦🏾 idiots bugs don’t make the game bad people do
If you buy a Bethesda game day 1 and you’re not prepared for bugs, you’re not a true fan
I mean they could release a somewhat stable product for once.. it’s unlikely but not impossible
No bugs, only features
Shouldn’t the text be flipped?
would be pretty funny if you can find all the bugs that exist in fallout and skyrim living happily inside starfield with a different coat of paint
They already killed my hype anyway. I was 100% with it until he said there was 1000+ planets. All I heard was ” we have 1000+ empty procedurally generated wastelands with generic “another settlement needs your help” quests all over the place.
If it wasn’t coming to gamepass I probably wouldn’t get it at this point.
1000 planets, Mods for this game are gonna be insane.
Day 1 and day 2543
Honestly, more worried about Diablo IV. The way they kept saying things that came down to “you will like this, right?!”, makes you think that there are still some very serious issues that they are aware of but are pushing the game to release regardless….
That was like one of the best part of skyrim. The fucking random interaction in skyrim made like the best content on youtube back when it was released.
Hey, maybe it’ll be polished on release.
Heh…hehe…HAHAHAHAAAA that’s a good one!
That gunplay looked like the equivalent of Skrim sword fighting. Bland as fuck.
Bugs are a Bethesda feature this point.
Shouldn’t you be wearing the bucket?
Nice shitpost
I’m just waiting for it to be another no man’s sky. As vast as the universe but about an inch deep with interesting content. Hopefully I’m wrong.
Bugs will be half the fun and it will give the modders a reason to learn the game cause we all know they are the ones that will fully fix it in the end
Bigs are common in bethesda games, their fans do all their bug fixing for them without charging anything.
First time?
Never Pre-order